Oct 9, 2024

[Chinese BL novel] 真少爷养崽去了 by 半盏茗香 / Real young master is raising a cub

Summary: (mpreg) Being plotted against and being saved in a span of a short time, Jin Ci indulged himself with Ji Xun. After the night, not to be awkward, Jin Ci decided that the night happened, but it shouldn't become something significant. Only months later he realized that he is bearing a child, but actually he was happy for the arrival of this small life, he finally will have a family of his own.
This is a story of a fake and real young masters, but without any awakenings to book plots or rebirths. Jin Ci lived quite a life and was asked to drop out to earn money when he was a teenager, in the end he was sponsored and became independent early. He opened his own studio with a friend and had some success because of his talent. Many things happened with the help of his sponsor to whom he wrote letters from time to time, it was his spiritual support. But then he was found by his biological parents and everyone acted like they want Jin Ci to integrate, but time and time again he was asked to swallow his grievances and step back to make way for the fake young master who is supposed to be sickly.
No one in the family felt the sinister nature of the fake young master and it seemed like he didn't show his tail, just acted like obnoxious person too many times, hiding behind innocence.
While crossing yet another day on the calendar Jin Ci was waiting.

The story starts from the banquet. This is the evening when Jin Ci was plotted against, while his parents were called off once again that Jin Kai had a fever or anything of that sort which happened quite often. So they left without even suspecting that their son was in danger. Being saved by Ji Xun who also had a similar experience, although he tried to hold on, but the call of Jin Ci and agreement to what can happen allowed him to indulge.
You can feel right away that something is going on. Later on, it becomes evident that Ji Xun basically circles around Jin Ci and waits.
After that night they parted ways and acted like adults. But the plotting should be investigated.
From then on from time to time Jin Ci started to see Ji Xun here and there, when they went campping on the mountain and were caught in the rain, when Jin Ci was graduating (his family again was caught with troublesome Jin Kai) and Ji Xun came as a representative. By the way he solved several of Jin Ci's problems. First, the stalking admirer whom Jin Ci rejected (he was the one who drugged the wine), along with him was Jin Ci's former classmate with whom they had a lawsuit and Jin Ci sued for defamation. This person was parachuted in the company of this stalker, while the stalker himself was part of Jin Kai's group. Who asked whom was evident for these people, but surely not for biological parents, who acted oblivious. The defamation started from Jin Ci rejecting a girl and she was friends with Jin Kai, so she spread rumors that Jin Ci is gay, then that classmate appeared and the rumors spread far and wide, which would not happen without fanning the flames, but his parents refused to hold the girl accountable, since they had business dealings with that family. So to them family business was higher than the dignity of their own child.
During this time Jin Ci started to feel sick, but he had work to do and delayed the visit to the doctor. Coincidentally he was noticed by Ji Xun, who took him to a private hospital and the doctor he knew did some tests but they showed unpredictable results, as if Jin Ci was pregnant (I liked this part, because after they did blood tests the doctor did not jump to conclusions but asked for more tests). Eventually they did ultrasound which showed that Jin Ci's body is different, he can bear children and he is indeed pregnant.
Ji Xun as the other father offers Jin Ci a deal, they will get married and he will have all legal rights to protect Jin Ci, will provide him with most secure environment to raise the child. Jin Ci who was already ready to leave the Jin family agreed.
Ji Xun's reason for marriage was quite pale, because he was the head of the family and Ji family belonged to him, but his parents were not around and his grandfather left too, what was left was his second wife (?) and her children, so she wanted to usurp the Ji family. But Ji Xun is not an easy target, he basically sent all those who did illegal things to play behind bars. But as an elder in the family the grandma decided to "consult" the Taoist priest who said that Ji's fate is too strong and he has to marry a man. Ji Xun used this ridiculous situation to his advantage, because no one knew that for many years he was holding someone dear to his heart. He wanted to get close to Jin Ci and warm his heart, to fall in love and protect this precious person for the rest of his life. He did not say that he was Jin Ci's sponsor for this exact reason, he wanted Jin Ci to fall in love with himself for no other reason.
The two of them were truly compatible in life and Jin Ci for the first time felt such care and love that came from the heart. Although others felt that the two just rushed this relationship like in flash marriage, Jin Ci knew that the year he gave his parents is about to end. He crossed each day on the calendar with his hope getting smaller and smaller and finally the small light of it that barely flickered went out. Now he moved on and moved out and lived with Ji Xun raising their child with the hopes that at least this child will be his closest relative whom he can love. In the end he not only found a family but love.

Because I've read like 3 books about fake and true young masters one after another they kinda mixed together in my head, so I try to point out things that I'm sure of.
As I said this novel is different because we don't know the plot, true young master is uncharacteristically not some country bumpkin as they like to portray, but lived a hard life, he was a premature child after all.
He gave his parents a year, but he did not announce it, he was just silently observing his family's actions. He did not fight and did not do anything, although Jin Kai did many despicable moves in his opinion. Like because Jin Ci loves flowers he brought some, but Jin Kai seems to be allergic, but it doesn't mean he can't grow in his own room, yet entire villa lacked real flowers. Jin Kai even gave him fake flowers instead, others saw it as kindness. He intercepted his letters from his sponsor, also sold the painting he drew for his sponsor. Was directly connected to rumors that spread around Jin Ci. Later it was revealed that he bribed older brother's secretary who was responsible for investigation, so the most crucial information was concealed. Then he bribed the attending doctor so that one would say that his health needs more care. He used his own life and digested allergy-inducing medicine so often time his aprents will miss Jin Ci's special events , like graduation. Basically Jin Kai lied here and there, obvious things happened to stir trouble and wait for Jin Ci's reaction, but it felt no one noticed or wrote it off as Jin Kai's "innocence" and "ignorance", while this person was the most vicious.
And even if Ji Xun revealed the truth in front of Jin parents, for parents it was too late to patch up things that were already destroyed, they hurt their own child too many times and have no right to interfere. From that point their relationship was only on the surface, no one disowned anyone, they just lived separately and didn't interact.

It was a quite fine novel, despite being mpreg. At least simply because it took such a turn on the fake and true young masters trope. After all the two othe rnovels I read with this one had quite a few similar things happening, while here we don't get that tone of cliche I've seen a lot.
So plot-wise and character-wise it was quite fine :)

RATE: 4/5.

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