I've read almost 90% of the main story and decided to just skip it, because I got so tired of it by that time. Although the page does not indicate it as extras, but they feel like it, from around ch 129 where the main story ends the rest is about the secondary couple and I skipped about those fuckers completely.
Let's skip summary and everything else all-together, not going to spend more time than needed on this and explain (basically spoil) everything along the way.
I thought it's going to be a fun read, but it turned out to be a cheap melodrama with the taste of old blood.
Not to mention that MMC is cliche having psychological troubles, FMC too is no better.
And I felt nothing for them. I didn't click with this story no matter how much I tried. Not to mention I found the decision-making of both characters melodramatic. I am even amazed at myself that I held on for so long and basically finished it, just skipped 20 last chapters where He Qingchi (FMC) and Wen Shuchen (MMC) dealt with their shit.
He Qingchi is such a flat character, I get tired of these in Chinese novels where there is nothing about a woman exept her beauty. Authors don't realize how sexist they all are. He Qingchi comes from a famous family, but her maternal grandma is a descendant of imperial tailors and now she is retired but Qingchi learned to sew and embroider from her, basically the basic cheongsam beauty who knows craft.
I saw no other traits from her other than her otherworldy beauty. Even her craft that was later used for her "career", but actually you feel no passion for anything in this life, the only thing she had passion about is her husband Wen Shuchen and he is the one who brought her the old-school melodramatic turmoil.
I'll try to put things in order, but I will shorten a lot of it.
Both of them meet by literal accident, Shuchen showed interest in Qingchi right away (a bit obvious that he knew her prior to this, but it's a secret so far).
They develop quickly, she doesn't want to be a third party and thinks he has a relationship with another actress who knows him personally, because she knows too little about him. It's a misunderstanding, Shuchen talks her back and they come together.
We meet Wen family, Qingchi feels they're weird, but as a lady (got tired of this notion) she doesn't tear faces and acts decently. But is capable of shutting Shuchen's stepmother with hints in her words.
Her father is against this marriage. But Shuchen promised him to take care of her. It is evident there is something going on.
They start living as husband and wife, but mainly they just signed the marriage agreement and had no certificate.
Shuchen is the basic posessive main male characer with issues from his past. Slowly they get revealed. I'm not going to stretch this out and say it all-together.
He has mental problems due to his upbringing and kidnapping case. That time he was kidnapped for a month and his father refused to pay ransom. Only then he realized that the playmate sent by his father was actually his illegitimate child living under the nose and also his mother was still alive. His father had a child prior to marriage with the daughter of the housekeeper. When the first wife died of illness, she came into power. And as any vicious stepmother she wants everything for her child and the father is so blind to her viciousness that he dosn't care and paves the way for his beloved son.
In that kidnapping Shuchen was not the only one, it became so obvious that Qingchi was there as well. I think this part was messy, at one time they say the ransome was paid, at other that she managed to escape? Anyway, he has his emotional apathy and she had nightmares and still reacts badly to violence and blood.
This was later used by the half-brother, but despite her fear of violence, she had no obvious fear of Shuchen, the description sometimes felt criptic, like she did then not... A lot of things were written in such a criptic way, like I'm stll lost if he was violent because of his nature or he just beat his half-brother because of provocation. After all sometimes they said it as if Suchen was having fights with others, but except his half brother he did not beat anyone.
Note: It's my personal opinion, a man should be able to fight, okay? In case of emergency if he can't protect you, what will you do?
Well this provocation of making them fall out did not work.
But then Shuchen's father started to be in and out of emergency room. And finally died, but of course he left everything he owned to his illegitimate child, while Shuchen inerited things from grandpa. As insidious as his half-brother is he started to attack everything he could, like mental illness and other stuff.
But the breaking point was the funeral where stepmother decided to poison Shuchen and Qingchi... if I'm not wrong.. actually she shouldn't be able to inherit, I mean her son, if they would have been involved in criminal case. Anyway, this dumb bitch swallows poisoned tea prepared fro Qingchi, but Shuchen did sip a tea. In this overdramatic situation she is sent to the He family, since Shuchen promised to protect her, but he now can't.
Qingchi has no idea if he is dead or alive, would have been easier if she had the guts to face it together. He gave her no chance and sent lawyers to compensate her instead. Is this supposed to mean like she felt being abandoned right at that time? She did nothing. That's the power of love for you, she was crying so much all the time, but she did nothing. Well, she was protecting the baby too but what happened next puzzled me so much. But anyway she finds out that she is pregnant. Her mental state isn't great, she lived her life continuously being hunted by nightmares (the kidnapping aftermath) and now they're back. She decided to give birth, a lot fo time skips and she gave birth to a boy and sent it to Shuchen. Like... I hate mothers who send their children away, okay? She always thought that Shuchen was lonely and it was her decision, like he doesn't want her but she will give him the child (logic, okay *sarcastic*), especially when two men are fighting for inheritance (how the half-brother can fight for it when his mother is a murderer basically, why no one is scared of this lunatic).
Anyway Qingchi is depressed af, she went with her grandma and spent three years recuperating her mental state.
Then she meets her son without knowing it's him and later Shuchen approaches her.
And here I stopped reading because I got so bored from this mess of back and forth.
The FMC had nothing behind her except her face. Fell in love but didn't fight for her love, had no progress in her mentality. her father concealed the fact that Shuchen wrote to her, another "smart" move from the loving father who saw his own daughter withering away, whom he is supposed to love to death, but actually made her even more miserable.
I just read last few chapters to conclude that of course they came together.
I just saw no logic in the actions of all characters, I found it weird how a lot of time was spent on the two characters but I left feeling nothing for them.
The "intrigue" or drama between the two brothers was so flat, author hasn't spent so much time on it. It wasn't interesting, we were told about the tension but I felt no tension at all, since it is all description in general terms. As if you were told - they're fighting but did not show the process.
Now the secondary couple which made me basically hate them. They're even messier.
The girl is Qingchi's "plastic sister", who is married to a person Shuchen knows, Shen Fu. His past is even more bloodier. Because his brother murdered the family of his teacher and also cut the tongue of their small daughter, Shen Fu has been taking care of her. I have no idea why he did it, because Shen Fu acted like a complete scumbag. He married the miss Qu (who married despite opposition of her family), but also took care of this orphan girl, he basically kept her like a mistress, helping her in everything including her career as famous musician. But there was no hint they slept together. Of course miss Qu couldn't handle it and made a scene. And from then they became messier. She divorced him, he never touched her. Later she drugged him, they started their intimate life, borderline r* from both sides. I started skipping their parts all-together.
The more I sit with this story, the more I hate it. It's so weirdly messy.
The plot is messy, characters have zero personality outside of cliche stuff.
It's very long and is not interesting at all.
RATE: 1/5.
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