Wednesday, July 13, 2022

[Chinese BL novel] 快穿之打脸上天

Because I was in the process of work, so I read this in-between and I finished it, but not because I liked it, it just happened like that when I was done, I had not much of it left and this novel has pretty short chapters, which makes the reading process much faster. MTL experience is horrendous btw.

Summary: Su Wei travels through worlds and his task is to fulfill the original hosts wishes. Along the way he meets a man, this man starts to passing in other worlds with him. Su Wei finds out that the world consciousness noticed this man and tried to play tricks on both, so either of them would fail to recognize and be together, which will lead to emotional collapse of the other. Sounds beautiful, but the execution is simply bad. Not to mention you start to feel hurt from the stupid.


MC - Su Wei. Tbh, he was most hurtful. Within the genre of world hopping I do believe that it's logical for the mind to expand and be smarter than other people, because it's basically a tempered soul. So MC starts off quite a smart person, though this smartness to me is questionable. Many things are written with the feeling of convenience, for example something is written just to make an impression, but if you think a bit more and not follow the high-paced rhythm of this novel, you'll realize that many things exist just for convenience. Even the stupidity of MC in last arcs is the same sudden convenience. Why I mention smartness in the first place is because of this. When we start MC more or less uses some strategy and also he's good at reading people, considers himself experienced, when he and his lover travel you start to understand that they were not given any means to recognize each other, only that ML has a mark on his body (location may change). The worlds they travel to has what is called 'world consciousness' and because it considers ML an invader it also tries means to shuffle. With MC's smartness the first time he realized that things are done to miss each other he should have the same cautious attitude in next worlds. Or so you might think. Although he knows his man's behavior in consequent arcs he almost missed the point, but did it quite stupidly, as if forgetting what world consciousness is capable of doing (for example, there is an arc where original host's brother shares a story that one of the princes had a dream that he was waiting for someone and that he has a mark, the trap was so obvious that it was hurtful, but before MC met this prince to see for himself, he really was misled and the man that was obviously his lover had to wait for this clutz to finally realize things, though I find this part stupid too. For example, if MC knows his man, he just needs a bit of information collection to find out that this prince is just a douchbag and changes lovers like gloves, he also should have guessed they were betrayed when things went wrong in their plan, but he still felt that the story about the mark was true). The change between smartness and a clutz happened even in the final arc before real world, where we have western fantasy world and two gods of light and darkness, here is no brainer to think that either one of them is the man or the two of them. But that's not the point, author decided to make a twist, MC received a dagger which can kill godhood, he actually stabbed ML, since the story so far portratyed MC believing that the one close to him was always God of Light, but actually was the Dark Lord, so he was always hanging on God of Light making Dark Lord jealous, he acted so obvious, yet MC stabbed him. But later author pulled up a twist when MC stabbed villain of this arc in the heart and it was a world consciousness in his skin, and later MC says stuff like - I always knew it the two of them were one, I had to wrong him, so I can get the dagger and stab you, something like that. Thus he killed the world consciousness. But honestly even if it might sound not bad, but the way it was delievered was bad, this sudden twist came out of nowhere. There was absolutely no indication that exactly in this arc we'll see wc and there was no sign that it will materialize like this. At other times MC is not portrayed with anything special, he's always beautiful, his soul makes the body more beautiful and also quite domineering. He just does the task, hooks up with his man and watched villains struggle and be punished. Pretty fast-pace face-slapping. 

ML. He has no name that is a main name, but MC uses name of 1st world as main. I think his portrayal is outdated to times when domineering and posessive presidents were popular, though they might still be popular, but mostly we label such characters a bit toxic. Sometimes their actions felt blatantly irresponsible. It also feels strange how they are hooked in every world, sometimes it's inexplicable, maybe from attraction it works like that, but not from the story logic. Though these stories have no logic. So we scratch that and change it - they don't work from human logic and behavior side. It's already beyond the love at first sight, ML can find MC anywhere witout a hinch. Well, at least he loves MC madly and helps him out greatly.

System and golden fingers. Except for strength we don't really see much diversity with golden fingers. One is completely ridiculous (maybe MTL is wrong), but spinning 360 in air is really... it was used in entertainment arc and in other arc is was mentioned briefly, but many skills author shelved when forgetting about them. I have a feeling that 1 was never used even. Most of GFs MC just burned to get money, it was to show that he can do anything himself, but honestly those GFs were a waste too. System is used just in transits, at first it "upgrades" and doesn't appear, later since ML became apparent, it doesn't enter the world not to be refused by the world, since they're intruders, so system is just like that, except for tranferring MC does nothing much.

Villains. All the foes are one-dimensional like main characters. They even speak and act the same, same hate, jealousy, mindless attack on MC (and original host), almost every villain had a scene of smashing glass or vases, really funny deja vu. But they also ended up same tragic way too. So in the end it was all the same villain every arc.

Plots. Are really shallow, unfortunately. Not to mention exaggeration is rampant to the point of being embarrassing. Most of the stories we've seen or heard hundred times before. They are also written in a very strange way, like descriptions are short, scenes may change rapidly with no apparent reason. Sometimes it's weird how settings feel mixed according to randomizer and not something that is truly interesting. The world-building is done very shallowly, it's really hard to be invested, many of these worlds and stories we've met a lot, sometimes the sketch-like writing really makes you pay attention to some misses or think - how did you put these together? For example, in the arc of supermodels they had to dress and make a small show, but the strange thing is the limited time given to contestants, but the execution sounded like something that should have been prepared in a long time and not 30 minutes or technologies that couldn't be pulled out. It happened many times, real life doesn't work this fast. But author at times just inserts of "btw, in this world something like this and this is common", which is one of the conveniences mentioned before. Anyway some things made me think of that card game with question and answer where you pick cards randomly, so is this story, randomized from different things. For example, they made sentinel and guide story into a gourmet story where ML had trouble eating. Also MC had cooking pack what a convenience. Anyway there were many such inexplicable things throughout the whole story. 

Conclusion. Completely disappointed and would never recommend it to others, because it's really hard to read. The fast-paced rhythm and short chapters try to hide the incompetence. It's written for fun and for face-slaps, but the choppy events and just basically everything is like that starts to be too obvious quite soon. Funny thing, I just finished it, but because I was so distracted by MC's stupidity in last arcs I basically forgot prior arcs, they did not impress me much, unfortunately. At least with its' short style it was capable of one thing, because it was short, I read quickly and just didn't want to leave it on the finishing line.

RATE: 1/5.

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