May 20, 2024

[Chinese BG novel] 锦绣人生[快穿] by 暮时夏 / Splendid life

Summary: Qingyu who travelled to another world thought of her fate, she was a passer-by in the literature, maybe a passer-by, maybe a cannon fodder, but her role was insignificant and the ending should be miserable. It was her second world and she happened to be in the campus novel, being a small insignificant passer-by girl. She had no idea why she travelled through worlds, but she knew exactly that because she has insignificant role, her fate is not as bound to the plot as main characters and even others might be influenced by her batterfly effect, she had no desire to be in the same pot as male and female protagonists, she just wanted to live her life, absorb the knowledge and do something meaningful.

This novel has more or less contempating feeling to it. Maybe it's because it's no-CP type of novel. As if author thinks and discusses the essence of these novels / plots and worlds to which Qingyu travels to through the character and narration.
Like for example the first world of the campus love where the female protagonist should be a Cinderella who married a rich man, she should be happy, but the novel which is full of love does not describe what happens in their "happily ever after", which is not so happy at all. It felt like author shared their opinion on the entire situation of these novels being feasable and unrealistic at times. Or simply conceals a lot of information and beautifies things. Like for example in the story about Qingyu being an empress, the emperor in this story (original plot) devoted himself to one and only woman who made him feel novel, because she passed through from modern times, because of her temper tantrums many of the harem women actually suffered a disaster or were directly killed, demoted etc. This heroine considered others as enemies, but that was feudal system and those women did not ask to be forgotten in the harem, they don't have her thinking. And original Qingyu would have been a traditional woman who also suffered a set back because emperor was so infatuated with his concubine and left the queen unattended. Imagine this, you have no right to refuse, your husband you were taught to treat higher than the sky refuses you, you will never become a woman, never will know motherhood etc. So from the novel's prespective it's a fairy love that conquered everyone eventually, but no one talks about all the people who suffered disasters from this love.

Because this novel has no CP it is basically Qingyu going through worlds, she likes knowledge and always tries to reach new heights in knowing things, explore things, she also applies it for the good of people, so it's not like she reaches heights and peaks in her career or business, she always does things that are actually beneficial for a greater good. Like the first arc definitely made me remember the story because Qingyu developed anti-cancer drug there. In second world she became famous in traditional Chinese medicine, in third world where she was an empress she taught students knowledge beyond the era, in cultivation world she opened up the path between the upper and lower worlds and allowed cultivation to continue exist longer than originally supposed to be. In this arc we also understand that her wisdom, her conduct of doing things and also handling matter plus her character have a feeling of being an Immortal and she is also recognized when she passed through and ascended, but next second disappeared to the next world.

In the long run it feels like she has an attitude of a sage that wants to fix the path of the world.
To me it actually existed till the last arc. Her motivation was based on someone close to her or her own fate and she wanted to change it. Like in arc where she was an Empress she saved a boy, but knowing the attitude of the Emperor towards children and women in the harem it was impossible not to fight, so it was like inevitable development, but she also made a step further where she spent herself and burned herself to teach students who will lead the country to prosperity. In one of the arcs where it was like transitional station she was a beloved daughter of the family and everyone doted on her, almost to the point of being unreasonable. Because her character doesn't really exist in the world of novel she had no idea what her fate was, she was less than a passer-by, but later learnt that her family was ruined due to company secrets being leaked, she stumbled upon this accidentally and only then she dreamed about original Qingyu's fate, which was truly bleak. She thought it's a hppy world, which it was, and it didn't take her much to fix the knot and continue the happy life.
The only thing I could do without is her mentioning from time to time that she is lazy and if it wasn't for others she wouldn't move :)

Now the main thing about the plot, why it is no-CP and who is Qingyu. The world of Immortals already gave a glimpse of it, but the final part explains it clearly.
As her name Qingyu was a green carp(?) born naturally in a spring, later she was blessed and could cultivate. This spring was found by a master and his disciple who were the closest to her, but later the disciple disappeared and the master did not wait for him, it happened that the disciple was killed and the cave she was in was ribbed by those who killed him. Qingyu knew she was not strong so she traveled around and cultivated, her level grew dayd by day and once she was ready she avenged the disciple, found his body and buried both master and student together. Later she cultivated and you know in the cultivation world there is an upper realm where one will go up step by step before becoming god. She did this to herself, she knew that to become god one must love living beings, the worlds etc. so she experimented, stripped herself from body and sent herself to experience those worlds, her memory was sealed, thinking if she once will awaken her memory or she will be crushed by being a passer-by. 
The novel has open ending but hinting about her godhood.

My favorite arc should be the fantasy arc. It's the well-known God of Light and God of Darkness arc. With a heroine falling in love with many men and eventually the God of Light being defeated and she is with the God of Darkness.
Because of Qingyu's arrival many things changed, with her aptitude she cultivated since she was young (literally baby), but unlike her the heroine was the chose next saint, so she was taken away from family at a young age without explanation, it was not that she believed in God of Light, it's that she was brainwashed to believe she does, she had amazing talent, but her fate was tainted, so Qingyu thought of possibility why God of Darkness managed to convince the heroine in original plot. The royal family they were part of was rotten, she lived in seclusion and prayer with no one guiding her on common things. Thus Qingyu kept in contact with the heroine thinking of instilling some ideas that would allow her to break the shackles of society and the plot, many of the previous protagonists actually did not follow the predestined romance route. The little girl listened to Qingyu who was her sister and when the time came she made a choice not to bet on God of Light who did not respond to her prayer and not on God of Darkness who she knew was only tempting her, but also wanted to deceive her. She placed the bet on her sister and she prayed for her sister. It actually allowed Qingyu to achieve godhood in this arc and fight with God of Darknes son even terms. But there is a phrase that I particularly liked, Qingyu said to her sister "I am the freedom you seek", not gods that were born from prayers and forgotten by believers when life became better, but freedom.

RATE: 3,75/5. I think it was okay. Although from the excitement point of view I can't say it was entertaining to the point of ups and downs. Again because it was contemplating on things the novel has more peaceful vibe. Others might rate it higher, others on the contrary rate it low if it did not entertain them.

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