May 12, 2024


Time for some short reviews, since there are several novels that I've read, but don't want to write full reviews, but mostly skipped through.
新婚燕尔 by 姜之鱼
(mtl: Newlyweds)
[BG] Completed. Summary: Story about Liang Jinrou who returns from abroad after hearing the news that her not so welcomed "sister" is going to be engaged and for so long the mistress who destroyed her family has been sitting comfortably as Mrs Liang for too long. But she also is entangled with Zhou Shuxing, current head of the Zhou family, who also has a baby kiss with her. Others know him as abstinent and other call him a King of Hell, but she knows too well that it's all bs.
I must admit that because FL is not to my liking, as a result I didn't bother to read this novel in its' entiriety. Maybe to some it may be cute, but I find willful characters quite annoying. Also she has a princess disease. And it has nothing to do with her showing dislike to the mistress and her daughter, she is simply often willful like everyone owns her and she's so pretty and deserving the best in the world. I asked myself why should I like her even? Did she do something for me to like her? No, more like she annoyed me before I had the chance to like her. Just the amount of wealth she got from Zhou Shuxing is actually astonishing, while she didn't bring much to the table. Zhou Shuxing truly dotes on her, but not with a dogleg appearance thanks for that, otherwise it would be a complete bottom. Well, their relationship should be marriage first and then love, but honestly I couldn't tell the difference, they happily rolled in bedsheets even before marriage.
As for the family drama, maybe idea was not bad, but honestly with how this novel is so long and it's also partially mtl's fault I actually didn't get at first that her family had her as first child, later her mother was pregnant but was told she had a stillborn, but actually the mistress changed her kid and sent this biological son to the Liang family, but as her own. So years later the "truth" comes out and first wife leaves with Jinrou, but leaves behind the son Liang Si, who is actually her own son, but because of deceit she had no idea about it and later died abroad. Only now when Jinrou returned this truth resurfaced suddenly. Quite a vicious move. 
But overall I didn't care about this novel, it didn't make me excited to care and read in full...
人设崩塌后我c位出道了[古穿今] by 七栖酱
(mtl: After my character collapsed I debuted in C position)
[BL] Completed. Summary: Fang Xunyu travels from ancient times to the modern age, but now he is a vase in the company that is about to be discarded and used as a foil for another artist at the company during draft audition. He was designated the script of a "waste" and he didn't mind, after all he was ready to do anything for the money to survive, but after a while he tried his character collapsed.
Another one that I didn't like. I just don't feel it for such characters. He seems a bit stupid and honest and also this is the butt of the joke, that he doesn't mind others taunting him and he is ready to do it for money since he knows he has nothing, but also because you traveled shouldn't you kind of enrich your knowledge about the modern times? Also when it comes to his talents he is unparalleled of course, take anything from classic dance to playing instruments he's too good to be true, this is why it's like a walking attraction for others and of course there is a bunch of professors who want to grab them to their own assosiation by the time of finale and debut, they're going crazy as if there was no one like him before and never will. Kinda silly setting.
I didn't read much, because it feels like it's a joke on repeat that he does something that others seemingly can't do, not as talented as him, but he also repeats the words his agents who doesn't care about him brainwashed the original Xunyu that he's nothing, that he's a loser, talentless etc.
Stupidly honest is the time when during his acceptance speech he basically told everyone he was given a script but no matter how he tried he failed the task and basically it sounded like he dissed everyone but he was honest. Maybe others will like such a silly goose.
嫁给反派后人鱼不想努力了 by 旧梦如霜
(mtl: After marrying a villain, the mermaid doesn't want to work hard anymore)
[BL] Completed. Summary: Jiang Yuan became a golden mermaid, one of the most precious in the base. But he was designated to the infamous general Qi who was famous for destroying three mermaids.
Tbh don't want to spend too much time on summary. Felt kinda meh. First of all nothing new. ANother guy who becomes a mermaid but is now so comfortable that becomes a salted fish, enjoys food and leisure every day. Others treat mermaids as treasures because of course it has something to do with mental powers and general Qi as the most powerful is also the most dangerous. Of course mermaids sing and others feel better, same for Jiang Yuan, though he didn't feel like he needed to do anything for general Qi at the beginning and this is what got to me. Even if mermaids are precious it doesn't mean he might not end with some perv if he goes outside, general Qi is his best protection so far and also even if he's dangerous, he's also dangerous for others surrounding them, I felt liek Jiang Yuan had such a dismissive attitude partially influencing my lack of care and the salted fish characters moved to the bottom on my list. Maybe for others he is a wonder, but because he is a human he is such a fraud :) I must say that general Qi himself was not as attractive to follow. Also did not care about any intrigue that were promised at the beginning. Really a lot depends on characters.
[BL] Completed. Fully free. Summary: Jian Yu got lost when he was a child, but when he returned the family already had adorable younger siblings and there seemed to be no place for him anymore. Because of taking the blame for his younger brother he was ridiculed and when he died no one cared for him.
Basic rebirth novel. What a wasted cover, it actually represents a scene from the novel, but this novel sounds like a fanfiction on another novel. Pretty basic characters like almost villanous siblings who don't care about the newly arrived brother, also indifferent parents who care nothing about their found son who lived for too long outside and can't be put on the table. Very basic and very toxic.
This rebirth is a chance to make trouble for the Jian family who never cared to support him in anything. Why should he care for their feelings. Dropped it after reading for a while since sometimes it's hard to read about such characters.
小作精身患绝症后佛系了[重生] by 猫界第一噜
(mtl: He became Buddhist after suffering from terminal illness)
[BL] Completed. Summary: Mu Yang has always been arrogant and domineering, even used the long-cherished wish of the person he fell in love with to be bound with him in marriage. But tactics don't work in love and he spent 5 years in marriage with no good word from another person and even his terminal illness did not give him any privelege, because his spouse did not believe it and thought it was another lie before he closed his eyes and travelled 5 years before.
This story is a double rebirth to 5 years before when both of them were married.
I've started it, but never finished for a reason, it's not a bad story and it fits quite well to people who like knives and glass and angst, because MC actually humbled into nothing from regrets and self-blaming, part of it (if I'm not wrong) comes from ML's cold violence. When MC woke up and was married he only thought how his actions were despicable etc. He wanted to get away and let his life be the path of remorse. It's fine as it is. It was me who was not in the mood to read something so depressing and also it's a long story (144+extras) and I had no idea when it will come out of that sadness. Sometimes I welcome angst just to spend my emotions somewhere, but it wasn't the case when I was reading and I made a long indefinite pause, so it's all personal and does not indicate that the story is bad and might not be liked by people who are into this stuff.
A little more about the situation. Mu Yang indeed used means to get married to ML, but ML's response was cold violence, later this cold violence became a habit he couldn't get rid off and when it formed a habit it resulted in MC to think that he is always wrong and any attempt at fixing and making this marriage work is futile, even if later ML actually started to have feelings for MC, but the conflict and the habit he formed were between them. Since ML is also reborn, so you could say this is chasing wife.
豪门大佬们为什么都用这种眼神看我 by 公子于歌
(mtl: Why do all rich people look at me strangely?)
[BL] Completed. Summary: Ruan Xingyu entered a novel world about wealthy families, his supposed to be future husband on the day of the wedding chose the son brought by his stepmother. Original Ruan Xingyu should have been left at the altar and become a joke who failed to enter the rich. Ruan Xingyu worked hard and the most famous scene in the novel of the grand wedding came, but after the two people escaped Ruan Xingyu noticed that all groomsmen looked weirdly at him.
I started it but felt a bit out of it. Ruan Xingyu falls into this ridiculous world which is actually full of novels, it's like stumbling at characters from another novel each 5m. Ruan Xingyu wore a beautiful body, which should serve as a control group, you know the basic, beautiful but empty and vain. His fiance fell in love with his step-brother who is like a wild flower staying strong in the wind. Pretty basic plot. Also what I don't like is the foreceful following of the plot, meaning Xingyu must stay and follow the path even if he deviates in his actions and is not completely empty-headed and too open about being a money-worshiper, but he must go through nodes. This cooled my interest down. The next thing that cooled me down is the obvious "heartthrob" that author likes and I usually don't prefer such novels. I also have no idea if this new Ruan Xingyu has something behind his back, because reading it makes you think that many just pay attention to beauty and nothing else. Yeah original story he takes part in should say that beauty is not everything, otherwise why fall in love with a step-brother who is not as half as beautiful, but the novel itself does, otherwise why make every friend of this scumbag fiance fall for new Ruan Xingyu.
重回我爸少年时 by 梨橙橙
(mtl: Returning to my dad's youth)
[BL] Completed. Summary: Lin Wangye was reborn 20 years earlier. Not being able to come in terms with poverty he decided to find his father, who now should be an 18 yo rich second generation. What a great fantasy, but when he found his father Lin Shen was playing games and losing, not being able to watch it further he took Lin Shen's place and showed off his skills, almost losing his footing when Lin Shen on the side called him 'dad' and asked him to take him along to win. This is how they met. But then he figured that this dad actually had a falling out with grandpa, not to mention the most shocking is his dad did not like women at all? So where did he come from?! Wangye decided to follow Lin Shen around in the name of his friend to figure things out.
I only read the synopsis, so I haven't even started, but was intrigues, I know for sure that Lin Shen has his own love story and Wangye also has his own love interest. So it's like two love stories going on. It also has high ratings on JJ, so it looked promising so I bookmarked it :)
万人嫌养子被迫联姻后[穿书] by 惗肆
(mtl: After thousands of people suspected the adopted son being forced into marriage)
[BL] On-going. Summary: Genius investor Bai Xu enters a novel and becomes the disliked adopted son of the Bai family. He was adopted because a master said that Bai Xu will lead their family to prosperity, but when Mr. Bai who believed it passed away his son and daughter-in-law for benefits instantly used their connection to give a "happy" wedding to Shang Yanxiao, who recently got into a car accident and became comatose. Bai Xu couldn't be happier, he cheated the Bai family out of money to use it for future gains and now he has a handsome husband who lies there and does not obstruct him. Shang Yanxiao was in coma before he woke up, but he knew that his accident that killed his parents and made his younger brother disabled was man-made, to dig those people out he pretended to be in a coma, but now he had to handle this new husband who always teased him that he will touch him.
The vibe of this novel is close to previous Acting a fool and marrying the blind villain one. Though thankfully Bai Xu does not pretend to be anything, he showed his sharp edge right away. He may actually pretend, but those in the know can see that he is pretty smart in doing things. I've read a bit so far since it's on-going, but it's quite exciting and also touching, since like in the Fool one here ML is given a connotation and does not belong to "being an empty blackboard" category. Actually there's a lot on ML's plate right away, he just survived a tragedy and had to give his younger brother a wake-up call. He might wake up and handle everything, but it will not allow his brother who was supposed to be a sunny young man to come out of trauma of losing parents and becoming disabled.  In original story things of course don't happen like this, original protag is the younger brother and he had to go through depression and blackening. Original Bai Xu would not help in any way, because he was brought up with a submissive character and eventually would have been taken advantage of and die in a muddled manner. New Bai Xu is a cunning fox who managed to create his own legend in investment world. He also helps the young Shang to stop mopping around and start getting stronger, so he becomes a support in a passing way. I kind of like such queenly characters. He had his own ideas that Yanxiao might have woken up, after all Yanxiao himself showed his feet when Bai Xu was drunk. At first he just appreciated to having such a handsome husband who doesn't nag, but later he started to tease, so you can guess that Yanxiao who could handle many things could not handle that.
怀了渣攻白月光的崽 by 墨声如昨
(mtl: Getting pregnant with scumbag's White Moonlight child)
[BL] Completed. Mpreg. Summary: Worst from the list, big nope from me :) Fu Tingmian enters a bloody novel that was bashed by readers, he becomes a substitute and a lover of Pei Qian, scumbag who could never forget his white moonlight Jiang Shen and used him as a substitute. After several years of being together Pei Qian dismisses Tingmian on the grounds that white moonlight is finally back. Tingmian plays along and leaves, but when celebrating he drank a spiked drink and asked for help from a stranger. He had no idea who it was, but actually it was Jiang Shen, the infamous White Moonlight. Later Tingmian found out that he has the hidden Omega body that allows him to get pregnant and he will have reaction to someone "fated" like Jiang Shen. Considering opinions of both father they decided to leave the child and moved in together. Jiang Shen who suddenly felt for his supposed stand-in took action in making Tingmian fall for him.
Nothing new, but honestly I could do without what was written in the novel itself.
First I couldn't get the actions of Tingmian, was he scared to be retaliated, but he has basically nothing of his own, what a barefoot person should be afraid of? Also he played along with infatuated persona when he left, what was that for? Instead it made the Pei Qian annoyingly entangle later and not matter what Tingmian said it didn't work. Result of your own bad decisions. Pei Qian is a basic scumbag but even worse, self-centered and full of "I know you love me but I won't be able to answer, so leave" and "Don't fight for me", which is too ridiculous.
later of course there was a misunderstanding between Jiang Shen and him, since one thought it was planned. 
It also didn't feel like love, since the hidden omega has pheromones and stuff like that. It is just so muddled when it comes to relationship. Sometimes it felt like characters are not consistent. Except Pei Qian, he is simply manic and crazy, easy to portray him being always like that. But the mains did not cut it for me.
Note, although not important. Original Tingmian is biological, but his parents expected too much from him, like becoming a big person, so when they gave birth to a younger son who was more promising their attention shifted drastically, this is why original Tingmian lacked love and fell for Pei Qian, maybe the only person capable of loving him. But because his parents found out and mooched off Pei Qian and Tingmian, of course it left a bad impression on Pei Qian too. Later when the conflict broke out they tried to make Tingmian bow his head for benefits again, basically not shying from selling their son. So yeah... we didn't click with this story, so I just skipped through it and dropped.
本能痴迷 by 小吾君
(mtl: Instict obsession)
[BL] Completed. ABO. Summary: Everyone in school knew that Luo Yu and Chi Mu did not deal with each other. From kindergarten to school they considered each other rivals (mainly Luo Yu). Luo Yu who lived his life as an A for 18 years suddenly has a reverse gender happening to him and becomes an O. Not to mention there is no inhibitor for his group and things look grim. Only a person fully compatible can help him, otherwise he will make the A loose his mind in reverse attack. And the one who is actually 100% fit with him is Chi Mu.
This novel has a lot to do with MC having a different mindset because he lived like an A for 18 years and he does not want to succumb to instincts of O. He does not want to be with a person just because they're fitting, there must be feelings involved. As a result he deals with Chi Mu who agreed to help. Even if Chi Mu was also suffering from the instinctive reactions of an A, he did not cross the line. Which allowed Luo Yu to trust in him. This allowed them to look at each other and slowly develop feelings.
The main text covers their school life and the story of the two, also the backstory of Chi Mu himself. So it's a pretty neat story despite being ABO genre.
Luo Yu always wanted to become like his father who died, he saw his mom suffering as O. But then he became one himself and was trying to be sane and not fall for instinct. Chi Mu who he thought was his rival actually just always had this stoic personality due to upbringing and Luo Yu thought to crack that hypocritical mask. To Chi Mu what Luo Yu did actually helped him inadvertantly. So they both stuck together in this relationship, finding what they cherish in each other.

So this is it, slowly cleaning up previously bookmarked novels and new ones. Honestly, there are so many bookmarks. But I just add novels if I feel relatively interested and later choose to read or not :) Yet making short summaries helps not only sharing, but also helps me, especially if I read something and then.. forget the events. Can't blame me, many of the novels have similar settings or premises or events that happen, so they look like copy-paste material. SOmetimes I get really lost without short notes.

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