Sep 13, 2024


Not much this time, but I'd say it's a good catch? Or at least promising :)
First two novels are by Green Plum Sauce (青梅酱), NU has mostly their e-sports novels, such as "The E-Sports Circle’s Toxic Assembly Camp (电竞魔王集结营)", but they don't have the novels I found by accident. 
Note: They have some really bombastic covers.
我,污染值爆表 by 青梅酱
(mtl: My pollution level is off charts)
[BL] On-going. Summary: Former Supreme Executive is said to have died in line of duty, but Lin Xi, who is now reborn in new absolutely reconstructed body knows better, when he swallowed the highest pollutant, people from his own office conspired to wipe him out. There was only one person who rushed towards him when he was engulfed in flames.
Three years have passed since that day. Now in this new body and a strange entity in his head that keeps on talking, he wants to figure out what happened, but the start was bumpy.
And he meets a person from the past, Yan Xingzhou, who now separated himself from the Joint Office, but still takes part in eradication of pollutants when he's needed, but no one knows that this person keeps on waiting, waiting for one person.
The premise of this novel is quite intriguing. From a certain point in time cracks that released monsters (mtl: pollutants) appeared in the cities. They're like a parasytic form that occupies humans and if not annihilated it may evolve into a stronger monster. As a result some people awakened superpowers. Those people have numbered IDs, but also letters before their ID number. It's already an achievement to have only one letter in front of ID, indicating your superpower, but it's rare to have two, even more rare is to have letter 'X', unique superpower. Yan Xingzhou is the one. Lin Xi was the one too.
I've read a little bit and it is quite intriguing. There is a backstory of who and why decided to wipe Lin Xi, Lin Xi now feels like he has no pollution whatsoever, though he has this thing in his head and also was found near the crack. Yan Xingzhou is ML and was waiting for MC with only tiny hope that feels like it will never happen.
PS: MC in the novel looks exactly like the cover, with read hair and different-colored eyes.
我能RUA你的精神体吗 by 青梅酱
(mtl: Can I rub your spirit body?)
[BL] Completed. Summary: Interstellar era. Sentinels and guides join the military,  the two parties were always at odds, even the whole towers they belonged to, East and West respectively, acted like opponents. But the two most prominent figures from new recruits were sentinel Li Zhuang and guide Qi Yan, not because of anything, but they were too overpowering that it made others cry.
I'd say they acted almost flirty when they confronted each other from the beginning, both were super strong, so it was hard for them to find opponents and they saw such opponents in each other. While others were scared of them, they pushed their own limits.
A promising story, don't know if the stakes are high or no, but they're young and energetic. Even if they're OP, it doesn't really take away from the novel.
真少爷放飞自我后[重生] by 日光融融
(mtl: Real young master decided to let himself go)
[BL] On-going.  Summary: Wei Tinglan was reborn. In his last life he spent too much time on trying to get close to his family and relatives when he was brought back in high school. But what met him wasn't a warm family, but a family that liked their now adopted son Tao Chen who they consider the kindest child on earth, loved by everyone. Wei Tinglan wasted too much of his precious life on hatred, jealousy and just the feeling of injustice. Why someone who stole his life for many years still enjoys family affection while he struggles to get some crumbs of it. After rebirth he decided not to care about the opinion of his hateful parents and siblings. And especially Tao Chen. Family is not people related by blood, it can also be someone who honestly loves you and cares for you.
He also wants to accompany the one person who tried to save him when his life ended, Wei Chuan.
Although the premise is old, there's a ton of those stories about real and fake young masters, but I loved the writing style and delivery, so it's not brain-dead (only dumb people are the Tao family I guess, and those in love with Tao Chen), but feels quite good. Also there aren't many to me where MCs let themself go and oppose their biological parents and others, they don't mind coming off as rude or anything like that. Wei Tinglan basically sold Tao Chen's place in teh family for money, because to him money meant more than something he can't get. He figured that Tao Chen is actually a green tea, but was baffled why others couldn't see it. He also wanted to stay away from Tao Chen's group, especially Tao Chen's fiance, who actually ruined his career when he decided to cut off ties with Tao family and do his own thing in entertainment industry.
He also meets Wei Chuan by accident, he has affinity towards the person because of his act of goodness and is happy when they could become friends. Wei Chuan is the ML of the story, but I must say from the start he has quite a chemistry with another character, not neccessarily romanitc.
So I'm quite optimistic about it, even if it's very fresh.

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