Jul 10, 2024

[Chinese BL novel] 封建迷信害我! by 沙舟踏翠 / Feudal superstitions harmed me!

Summary: Miao Xiaorui spent six months in a coma after a car accident. His mother met a Taoist priest who told her that he can wake her son up by a ghost marriage, thus Xiaorui wore a small wooden amulet and indeed woke up in a few days. Miao Xiaorui who was out of business for six months returned to filming. But accidentally he saved a girl and the man in the car had the same amulet as him, but made from jade. Qin Xuan is a star in the entertainment industry, but he doesn't only film, but is also a president of his own company. Meeting Xiaorui on the road he had a small interest that grew into deep love.

Note: mental health issues (explained further down), the text does not involve any metaphysics content. So Qin Xuan is not some underworld ghost king, he just has some issues.

Shining points. MC Miao Xiaorui and how he dealt with Qin Xuan.
If you seek this novel for a deep dive into into psychology, then you'll be disappointed. I don't expect much when it comes to mental health in online novels, thus I wasn't disappointed. But I see good sides and bad sides in it and all are connected to Miao Xiaorui.
Possible dissatisfaction factor. Altough it is extremely fast-paced. The plot may seem quite shallow, when it comes to filming or "scandals" where our couple claps back. The main point in the story is still on the characters who come together pretty soon and the most of it is their relationship, how we later find out about Qin Xuan's condition and how Miao Xiaorui deals with it. But I'd say he doesn't treat it in a conventional way?

Plot. Plot follows Xiaorui after he wakes up. By the wind of changes or fate, Xiaorui saves a girl from the car in which, you guessed it Qin Xuan was sitting, his secretary noticed the wooden amulet on Xiaorui's neck and reported it. In order to check the boy, Qin Xuan checks his background, but then approaches the crew where Xiaorui was filming in order to look at the boy. And what he saw what attracted him. 
Miao Xiaorui is like a lively bird, vivid and lively, very sunny and chattery. He's not an empty-head, he is pretty self-aware (when judged by several of his thoughts). He is also witty with his words and sometimes it's really unpredictable in which direction his thoughts will lead him, so he reacts sometimes in a way you don't expect. Even when he found that Qin Xuan has mental health problems.
Him clapping back at the opposing actor who wanted to play big and was jealous of his face and beauty was the scene that Qin Xuan witnessed. And later they saw each other more and more. Knowing Qin Xuan's personality later, it's really not possible for fate to be at work, it's Qin Xuan at work.
Miao Xiaorui starts to catch up on it and thinks that Qin Xuan is interested in him, but this feeling is not confirmed. Actually he feels good together and is not afraid of Qin Xuan like others, probably this also what attracted Qin Xuan too. Xiaorui treated him like a normal human being, even with their disaprity in status.
Unexpectedly Xiaorui makes the first step and the two come together (around chapter 27, with 75 chapters + 5 extras in total).
They not only come together quickly, but they also become intimate quickly. Maybe they progresed slower if it wasn't an accident on the filming set with an elder actor who tutored Xiaorui started to make passes at him.
Now comes the chain play.
Fear not, I was also baffled and thought to myself, not another possessive idiot. But then when his condition and past were explained, it was evident where the things originated. Although I think there were misses with it, but it's a personal opinion.
The best part is Xiaorui's reaction to it, it's not fear, but actually he couldn't mind beating Qin Xuan for what he did. Not in a serious way, but still with few punches here and there, like a banter and a lecture on how to be decent. This is where power dynamics come in, in this relationship Xiaorui is not a weaker part, he obviously has more power over feelings he has over Qin Xuan, but he still loves his partner and can switch from loving and caring to banter and kicking. Again, he treats Qin Xuan like a regular human being.
Both of them got married pretty quickly too, mainly to give Qin Xun a sense of security. And although Qin Xuan might have tried to stick together a lot, like continue being together, being on the same shows or even go to the crew as a member and stuff like that, Xiaorui tried to control him.
All before an accident.

All before sulfuric acid accident.
Even if their relationship was not public, with Qin Xuan's stickiness it was hard to escape, so one of those who wanted to climb this pole hired a person who threw watered down acid on Xiaorui. It was fine, but it still caused damage. The person who hired the man was arrested by Qin Xuan and basically was hanged up in their garden at night. Xiaorui who was woken up to find Qin Xuan saw the scene. And although it felt like he was scared at first, it didn't transform into that fear, but he smacked and beat Qin Xuan for not considering what he would do if Qin Xuan would go in, like he doesn't want or love him for soiling his hands with this person etc. Anyway, not your typical reaction.
But this is the point where Xiaorui realized he need to know more about his partner and now face the "issues" some talked about.
Qin Xuan is explained to have an antisocial personality disorder. Debatable but whatever. This originated from his family, since his mother was cheated not once by his father (btw the family issues were skimmed through a lot), she was fighting with him at first but later changed her tactics, the victim of the situation was Qin Xuan. The last drop was when his father wanted to register the mistresses' daughter and make her Qin Xuan's "twin". Qin Xuan's mother committed suicide and almost took Qin Xuan with her, but he witnessed the horror. Others say he had tendencies since childhood (was described in a stereotypical way though), but he wasn't treated and was abused. Later when he grew up he started his own business and had nothing to do with the Qin family.
The only one who appears is his biological brother, who targetted Xiaorui a lot and even caused him an accident. Anyway, they are more psycho and less law-abiding than Qin Xuan.
Knowing the truth and diagnosis Xiaorui tried to educate himself and spend more time taking care of Qin Xuan's mood, but he also did not let it overwhelm him, like he was giving up his position, Xiaorui is still that small lively bird that sometimes picks a fight with Qin Xuan for educational purposes of course :) but pecks Qin Xuan with love and care.
The whole dive into Qin Xuan's situation felt quite shallow actually. Many might not like it that it was used as a character's trait, that it might be old, but I actually did not dislike it as in other novels where it was exploited and the character is just "paranoid" and dark. Maybe because how Xiaorui treated him.
So this accident showcased who Qin Xuan truly is, but Xiaorui wasn't afraid of him, was most likely afraid that he will mess up and ending up being caught and di not consider consequences.
Anyway for the story these two "villains" and another one, a failed Best Newcomer actor who failed to confess to Qin Xuan, are the main forces that will start blackmailing Xiaorui online and then target Qin Xuan. This part I think was quite brushed off. A lot of this novel was like that.. at least it was consistent in this :'D

Follwoing each other to work or to filming the two were in the public eye a lot. Xiaorui really handled very light-heartedly the criticism he faced as the one who stuck to Mr. Qin for publicity. later their following grew a lot. With some twist and turnes they came out in a variety show, which is also interesting because it was Qin Xuan who signed them both for dating show, but shot himself in the foot since everyone could be ambiguous with each other and his jealous personality did not allow that and he mostly was ready for reveal so he didn't bother even be secretive for one day. Xiaorui simply blew up at him. This came online. Then it was followed by some revelations which they debunked with the proof that the other party that tried to discredit them made the first move and now wanted to play victim. So it was a happy ending for them.

RATE: 3,75/5. Simply because it was fact and I like MiaoMiao. He was really the sparkle of joy. The novel itself is very fast-paced, I finished it quickly. The downsides of course are that it's pretty shallow in many ways (maybe to keep the things light), some may not agree on its' outlook on mental health use for a character and tehre are some random parts in the novel. Yet it doesn't pose itself as some deep dive too, it's just a book to have a good time. But in general it was fine with me and I wasn't mad at it.

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