Jul 1, 2024


or Pretty-cover-was-at-fault-for-being-bookmarked (not really) edition :)
瓜王驾到,内娱战栗! by 清风独挽月
(mtl: The King of Melon has arrived, and the domestic entertainment industry is trembling!)
[BG] On-going. Summary: Li Shuangshuang gained a super ability, when she touches someone, she can look at the person's past. The intrigue is - the more intimate part is, the more effective it is. Later the entertainment industry was shocked, Shuangshuang made everyone quake in their shoes.
Status: completed, full review available
The movie emperor Fu Hengyu laughed at Shuangshuang's antiques of getting closer, but slowly his thoughts changed, but then he found out that she doesn't stick to him exclusively. What could he do, he was quite heart-broken.
OMG I WAS SHAKING when I saw that author of "Green tea is forced to tell the truth" is publishing a new novel with such interesting settings. Although not new, but I'm excited. I truly loved the story of Chuchu, so now I'm ready for a new one. Pity there is still a long way to go, since it's a new story. But I wish them luck on this one.
(mtl: Becoming a star starts from a walk-in)
[BL] Completed. Summary: Jiang Fanxing at 8 years old was fascinated by the look of handsome lawyers on the TV and thought it was a dream job. He worked really hard and it was his last year before graduating, but looking at other collegues in the industry he realized - those handsome men are actors who play lawyers, real lawyers are bold from stress and overweight. Thus Jiang Fanxing decided to change direction and after a deep research he decided that entertainment industry is the only one with money and where people will appreciate his handsomeness.
Status: soft dnf, might come back later and continue reading, but it's nothing to hold on to.
The main text is over, author is releasing extras. I've started it and it is really fun. Although Jiang Fanxing is a bit narcissistic, but he is also charismatic. The author is a law major, so they know their thing and thus the main character is also a law major and navigates his way. Which is pretty funny to follow, it felt refreshing.
There is also a love relationship planned, I know that the ML is Shen Tianqing (after all summary always tells me who it is))), he appears as an agent and an owner of the studio where Jiang Fanxing is signed. But when will love bloom, I'll have to read the entire thing to know.
穿成香江阔少的原配[八零] by 浣若君
(mtl: Transmigrated into the first wife of a wealthy young master in HK)
[BG] Completed. Summary: Su Linlang was a general in an interstellar era, but now she became no better than a cannon fodder. Her soul merged with OG Su Linlang and she woke up after the day of her marriage and when her husband was kidnapped. She knows it because it's a cool story. But she has no time, there are traitors in the family who are connected wih kidnappers and she has to save her husband, so he will be safe.
I DROPPED this shit. I wasn't impressed with how it was written. It describes the disturbing times of 80's and Hong Kong with criminals running rampant. Linlang as a general and she also is a daughter of a military man in this life wants to save her husband, because he treated her really well, while she was merging (two souls were merging to become finally a complete person).
The novel has the criminal movie style with a lot of fights etc. Of course the most outrageous is how Linlang can do anything, no one doubts her too. She runs around and kicks asses. Maybe it would have been fine, but I always found the dissonance. I don't know the story of HK, but I know one thing, even if you have certain feelings for a certain group of people or another country (maybe it's historical, you know how some things last for generations), you can actually express it in a rather intelligent way and don't use slurs. The reason why I dropped this is because I saw that chapters felt like they were going to be about the same things over and over and I decided to read a random chapter. I open the random chapter, read a random line and see FL saying things like "white-skinned pigs". Sounds like a slur to me. Sometimes it may give a certain taste to the portrayal of the character, to express their strong feelings and it won't be an excuse just to pour all the outrage on paper. But I always find it strange if this comes from people who never used such slurs before. I know I just caught it in the text very randomly, it felt weird to hear from FL, since she never said such things before, at least in the beginning. Not to mention that she comes from the future, where do her feelings come from though? Anyway, even if I will be considered wrong by the readers, but I'm not regretting dropping this.
听夏 by 鹿灵
(mtl: Listen to summer)
[BG] Completed. Free (click the link). Summary: Shen Tingxia had a crush in high school. And with all her heart prayed for this person to be better. Her wish came true. Changing from a normal class to a rocket class, from amateur to a star. Now this person whom she liked became a person whom many people liked.
Jiang Su fell in love at 24 and it was a girl he liked very much. She was a painter on the set and also a former classmate. They shared many memories and he thought it was a coincidence, before he found a box with sketches of his younger self.
I'm planning to read this. I remembered that I haven't checked books from author of "Bite of the peach" and saw they have many signed books actually, many sounded lovely. I bookmarked this one so far to keep it on the list and also, it is indeed completely free on JJ. The novel is short too.
(mtl: Slacking off at the paranormal investigation team)
[BG] On-going. Summary: When Di Jingfan woke up, her body was missing and only regret was left. But fret not, all the negative emotions are a nourishment. To get her body back she striked a deal with Min Qingliu, a college student who was murdered by her stepfather to seize the inheritance. Di Jingfan promised revenge.
Soon after investigation team had a new employee.
When talking about the madman who caused all immortals cease to exist and their soul was dissipated, the little girl asked: Will she be resurrected?
The team leader looked at new employee Min Qingliu, weak, but diligent girl and said: Her body parts were suppressed at different forbidden areas, so it's unlikely.
Some time after the forbidden areas were raided by someone or something.
And the team leader like everyone else was stressed, lately their missions either failed or were intercepted.
Ngl, I was really attracted by the summary of this novel. It's a rare item to see the female protag as this undead creature, I had one in previousshort reviews. But here she also collects her body pieces, while working for a paranormal bureau. Leading a double-life. But also the novel cover is also very pretty. I love pretty covers :3
(/edit) The cover was changed and author seems to re-writing things, let's see how it goes...
隔岸观火[娱乐圈] by 竹外疏狂
(mtl: watching fire from the other side)
[BG] Completed. Same author as all villain variety show and variety show with three brothers, but it's an earlier work from '20. Summary: Jiang Ruan liked Jiang Zhi in school and chased him. Then her family was almost ruined and she was sent abroad. She might have not wanted to go, but the moment she realized that she worked so hard to get into university Jiang Zhi never planned to enter, she gave up her love and flew away. Years later Jiang Ruan appears as a winner of the Best Actress of a foreign award and starts working like mad to get the money for her family and then she is approached by Jiang Zhi with an agreement to marry.
Obvious misunderstanding in this one. I started it. Jiang Ruan was really working hard to get into uni the same as Jiang Zhi and accidentally saw his form and saw that he never wanted to enter that uni, so all her hard work was for nothing. And she can't change her career track. Also Jiang Zhi is an obvious man who cares a lot, but has no mouth to say it.

So far that's it. I still have a ton of bookmarked novels, which I haven't read yet (or checked out but did not proceed with reading), because I need the mood to finish some of those. And most important, those I care about are actually in the "on-going" stage right now and I am feeling like reading something written by western authors, something modern, recommended from YouTube book channels that actually read what #booktok recommends and gave their opinion on it.
I feel so old. I'm ancient in the terms of youngsters these days, but really I'm so far away from TT and trends and such. And modern times make you feel like if you don't follow the trend then you're a bumpkin. Let me be the one. Even if we don't consider the current situation that is going on, even before that I couldn't care too much. AT least I watched what YT thinks of those over-promoted books.

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