Jul 31, 2024

[Chinese BL novel] 反派非要和我结婚[娱乐圈] by 林盎司 / The villain insists on marrying me

Summary: On the day of high school reuinion Su Qing regained consciousness and found out that he was a cannon fodder, a control group in the novel. All this time when he was fighting for his life, doing everything to get good grades, trying good places to get a part-time job, many of those things would seem insignificant in the eyes of readers who follow koi fish protag, who gets into good school by luck, is clumsy and unable to work, but is helped to get the part-time job because of circumstances, basically does not need to do anything, just lie down and everything will arrive. To Su Qing this was particularly frustrating. On the night of the reunion he got completely frustrated and was really angry and got drunk, but then he saw Cheng Han, another sorry character who will be the villain of the story. With the good intentions he wanted to remind Cheng Han, but who knew Cheng Han was drugged that night. Both could treat it as a one-night stand, but Su Qing had no idea that it was also a mpreg novel when he found out that he was pregnant. It didn't help that Cheng Han for some reason wanted to continue being acquainted.

Note: At the moment of me posting this, this novel is still on-going, but it basically passed all the important phases.

Even judging from the renowned red cover it is obvious that this is Lin Ang Si, author ofnovels like: I am the Father of the Villain, The Film Emperor Asks for Divorce Every Day, The Supporting Male Character Just Wants to Be a Tool Man and others.
It's again connected to the entertainment industry, I had no idea how author will tie it to it. Justifiably someone said author includes actors and showbiz a lot. I had my question because of the premise of this novel and that is Su Qing lost parents at 18, worked and studied, then at 22 they had a reunion and Su QIng had a night with Cheng Han, several months later he figures out that he is pregnant. Su Qing was working as a freelance author. He was helped by his friend after he found out, this friend is a doctor. Su Qing followed him to another city and this is how we have a time skip to 6 years later. Su Qing is now 28, fatefully meets Cheng Han again, but he is also discovered by an agent, the promise of more money that will help his kids in future is what moved him, his writing career and experience helped him grasp the acting and he started at this age. This was unexpected to be honest. As if Lin Ang Si doesn't know any other profession except actor for the MC and boss for the ML.

Good thing that this novel doesn't have any ridiculous beginning Lin Ang Si is so famous for. Some might find it funny, I find it bothersome, they never care to tuck the loose ends in a rational way, it just passes, they also have some nonsense settings. Thankfully this novel does not have all those things, we jump straight to the night, few chapters later we have a time skip to 6 years later and now we have lovely twins, Su Qing who meets Cheng Han again and the relationship that spans from physical to emotional.
To be honest, This might come off as critique, but this is simply stating facts, many of their characters have the same mindset to me. For example, some of this story will remind you of Tool man for example, because MC has this notion that is they exist in the book and villain will like the protag, they can't have a future and is entangled emotionally. He sees the good parts of ML, but he feels like he can't cross the line, because ML might change his mind under the influence of the plot. Even if Cheng Han's character tells everyone that he would never do that. 
Their emotional journay is also followed by the famous "oblivious" state, like they certainly are attracted to each other. ML might not realize it even. MC is more on the side of realization, but entanglement because of the plot. This happened in their previous novels.

But these are not bad things, it's just "nothing new", you could say. The novel itself is cute and nice. Although their relationship is questionable at first. But Cheng Han slowly infiltrates the life of Su Qing, makes many moves, even if he repeats again and again it's not like that. Inside, because Su Qing was the only one who made him feel physically attracted, he put this forward, but it's a pretty shameless thing to confess to others. Also his actions contradict his own judgement, this is why I say they are in that oblivious stage. He takes care of the kids, does many things for both Su Qing and the twins. And then he goes and denies that he did it out of duty or whatever other reason he thought of.
Oh, another part that reminds me of Tool Man is that Cheng Han has an older brother, who cares for him. This brother is the only sharp one, he figured that kids look too much like Cheng Han and this is weird and he simply confirmed his guess. But what I liked about him is that he decided not to disclose it, because some things are better left undisclosed. He sees that Cheng Han likes the kids and he might tell the truth if he catches up to Su Qing, might truly like him and want to be father to the kids. He doesn't want to muddy water before that to influence anyone's decision. Even though he has his own opinions and conclusions on the situation in general.
This affection will not prompt him to marry you, but I hope that his marriage is what he wants, that he likes someone from the bottom of his heart, that he wants to be with the other person, that he enters the palace of marriage because of love, that he wants to have children with you and then he finds that he already has them. Rather than him paying for other people's decisions when there is not need.

As for the plot. As mentioned it starts at the reunion, Cheng Han is drugged by a guy who is in love with him, but Su Qing happened to be wanting to warn Cheng Han about protag. They had this night. Several motnhs passed and Su Qing figured he was pregnant, Cheng Han was actually chasing him a bit, because he figured Su Qing had such an influence on him. 6 years later they meet again by coincidence. Cheng Han is revived in his desire to rekindle the old relationship. Even if he finds out that Su Qing had two kids does not stop him, he finds that twins are truly precious. He slowly infiltrates the life of another person in daily life, without realizing that this is not physical anymore. So a lot of simple daily life, even if Su Qing switches careers from writing to acting, it continues to have this cozy feel of homely life and warm relationships.

I have no idea how long the novel will be, so far within 100+ chapter it's the emotional path to love and also the truth of twins. I'm saying I'm not sure because my opinion on Lin Ang Si changed drastically during Toolam publishing, their constant reminder to give nutritient so they will write 2 chapters daily, while most of the ending part of the Toolman felt nothing but a water filler, which completely changed the ending of the novel. I don't mention bazillion extras. I am a father to the villain had the problem of having some critical moments because of the plot, but they were spread so far and in between those moments of homely life (I think I even wrote it in review on NU that I don't need 30+ scenes of someone showering). Later they might have changed and don't do this. But this left me as this skeptical person :)

And I'm writing this review simply because I finished what I consider the main "plot" lol. And had quite fun with it. I must say that I liked this more, because author got rid of many things, even if two MCs go through the same stage of believing that plot has sort of influence on people, but he comes to realization that it might not be true, he can influence people and it's not some desperate situation where people will meet their ending just because of the plot and fights for what he wants.
In this regard the novel is really light-hearted, has no bigger conflicts, but it's not like a stale water, it has a flow of emotions. This is why I had my fun with it. And I'll finish when it's over.

RATE: 4,5/5.

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