Aug 28, 2024

[Chinese BL novel] 踹了渣攻后我跟他小叔HE了 by 织墨 / After getting rid of the scum, I have a HE with his uncle

Summary: Lu Xingyan is a second master of the Lu family, he is a popular socialite. But at the engangement scene, his fiance Sheng Mu ran away to pick up his White Moonlight at the airport. Facing the absence of his fiance Lu Xingyan did not feel it's a big thing, there is no fiance, then he will simply change it. And instead of Sheng Mu, he chose Sheng Wen, who is actually in charge of the whole Sheng family. The scumbag might have ran away, but it's no problem for me, I will find happinness with his uncle.

This was a fast re-read for me. Mostly I was looking through old bookmarks that were labeled as not having a review, so I decided to flip through to remind myself what was going on.

Note: It's not the best read actually, if you skip it, you won't lose much. Although it sounds horrible to say such things, but I'll explain it.

Lu Xingyan is with Sheng Mu because of a reason. Let's get to the core of the reason. Back when he was a kid, Xingyan was kidnapped and his kidnappers made him drown to film a video to send it to his parents. It sounds kinda sick, but in the end Xingyan had a severe PTSD. He couldn't get close to people, even his own family. He had an allergic reaction if he was touched by people he didn't like. Even Sheng Mu was used as a face by him, because he thought that Sheng Mu saved him from drowning during his 18th BDay (as you can guess later, Sheng Mu did not do it) and he used him as means to cope with his on-going nightmares etc. But when he knew Sheng Wen, Xingyan finds that with Sheng Wen he can not only touch and feel, but he also feels the most secure in the world. That is his subconscious reaction towards the person who saved him from drowning.

This novel is short, like very short to me (64ch). And I can't say I'm satisfied with how some things were played around. For example, Xingyan's condition is pretty serious, but he doesn't dwell much before he decides that he wants to be with Sheng Wen, part of the reason is that he is not against being close to him. But he really did not think much if the other person will turn against him and use it as Sheng Mu did.
I also don't think the reason behind Sheng Wen's story is profound and why he actually always liked Xingyan is pretty strange to me. I already forgot the reason, but basically because of Sheng Wen's origins as illegitimate child, he had a pretty rough childhood and period of growth. Xingyan is said to be his only light. He also came back on his BDay because of that, so he saved him but did not stay, he couldn't. Sheng Mu used it as means to be the savior in the eyes of others and mooched off Lu family in the end. He also used his "savior" status many times to basically PUA Xingyan. But who is Xingyan, he is not so easy to fool.
Later Sheng Wen was the one who sent the "White Moonlight" to Sheng Mu and made the engagement fall apart (too convenient if you ask me), so he did not really offer himself, but agreed when the offer to change the groom came.
They also have a "misunderstanding" that I thought was stupid. Because instead of confessing feelings etc. Sheng Wen treats it as if he needs a strong ally in the face of Xingyan, that this is a business marriage and Xingyan kind of does the same. The other misunderstanding that partially Sheng Wen thinks that Xingyan treats him as a substitute for Sheng Mu. Really the reasoning is so underdeveloped and it feels weird how a grown-up man did not dig deeper into why the two are together, that Sheng mu screams I'm a savior at every corner and did not put two and two together and realized the reason... just left me a bit baffled by the logic.
This goes on before Xingyan figures out why he is not against Sheng Wen and maybe the guy hides behind the mask of his stupid reasoning, but they actually care.
Sigh. The whole novel is like that, underdeveloped reasoning behind why they can't be honest with each other and also their feelings that came from somewhere unknown. Sheng Mu comes into picture, but the writing is really.. kinda old (although this was published in '21), maybe because it is. Because of Xingyan's prior attitude he thinks he got Xingyan in his grasp, but doesn't realize that Xingyan doesn't need him and will come after him. Both Xingyan and Sheng Wen don't treat Sheng Mu as rival at all.
Anyway, not much going on, they deal with each other and Sheng family situation quite quickly, the novel passes quickly, it's not great, the relationship doesn't catch you, because you find the motivation of both parties kinda weird and lacking in substance. As a result they're happy together.

RATE: 2/5. On the scale of all the things I've read it's just meh.

[Chinese BL novel] 这婚必须离![娱乐圈] by 光明在案/ This marriage must be divorced!

Summary: Ye Qiyuan was the top supermodel in his previous life, after getting sick and his life ending he finds himself in a predicament, he is now reborn into an 18-line artist who was hidden by his own company for two years and is now used as a cannon fodder against the boss of another company. Ye Qiyuan also finds that a system bound to him and asked him to "save the marriage" with the above-mentioned company boss. But for Ye Qiyuan this means nothing, he already died once, has no desire to do such things.
Knowing that he has little time he decided to live his life as he'd like to, working and just living. But it did not only start his career in acting, it also made him more and more cross the path with the movie emperor Ji Yao, the boss behind Xingyao, his supposed-to-be ex-husband. And during that time the progress of his task he never took a look at was no longer zero.

This is a slow burn (both MC and ML share a bit of enmity in the beginning, justified), there is also a topic on mental health (Ji Yao's severe mysophobia, Qiyuan's life as an orphan), found family trope.

This is actually a re-read for me, I suppose I've read this before, probably before getting the blog, but I somehow remembered the plots along the way.
Let's start from all the good things, because I do consider this novel a good work.

The Characters. What you need to know as the main point. Ye Qiyuan is orphan in both lives. In previous life due to his work, he always wore this noble and mature facade, etiquette almost engraved in his bones. The polite mask that does not offend anyone and can survive anywhere, but inside he's actually a truly kind person who is capable of forgiving and letting go (several cases happen in the novel). But behind that maturity there is also a kid who has not grown up, he is not aware how to treat people who become much closer to him and this side appeared only due to his relationships in this life, since they are way different from what he had or witnessed in the fashion circle. The best way to describe is the quote from the novel itself:
In fact, in Ji Yao's eyes, Ye Qiyuan is a very interesting person, who often arouses his curiosity inexplicably. This person seems to be able to talk and laugh, and often gives people the feeling that he knows how to live.
But in reality, his life was almost equal to work. Everything outside of work was crumpled into a small ball and stuffed in a corner. In essence, Ye Qiyuan was an even more serious workaholic than him.
For example, Ye Qiyuan seemed to be very good at handling interpersonal relationships. But he only handled interpersonal relationships at work or superficial relationships. He had no reference materials for real intimate relationships, nor did he need to organize them. Because he had always been alone.
Because he did not have a family to grow up with, all of his relationships were quite superficial, especially witnessing the chaotic fashion circle it did not make him wish to grow closer to someone. As he said himself, even when he was sick and people visited him, he knew they would be sad for a little bit, but then go on with their lives, he might have never influenced someone that much, unlike Ji Yao. But his origins made him this careful with relationships. It doesn't mean he's faking his own kindness, he's a truly warm person, he will treat you well, but this doesn't mean he allows you into his heart.
Ji Yao on the other hand is a stoic person, but his life fell into a routine, for others he is a cold-faced boss of his company or a great actor that is immensely popular for others, but has severe case of mysophobia in real life. It started from his childhood, since he didn't completely grew up with love and care, when he was little his father, who left the Ji family, died in accident, his mother decided to concentrate on her career and sent Ji Yao back to the Ji family, aka den of wolves. When Ji Yao was old enough he moved out and decided on his career as an actor and later opened Xingyao as his company, he single-handedly changed the environment of entertainment industry and cleansed the stench of unspoken rules. His comany was a heaven for those who did not want to exchange themselves and wanted to work and thrive. But his mysophobia, although has quite an extreme description, is a thing. He actively participates in treatment, but it doesn't have results, since it's mostly like a routine for him, since deep inside he finds nothing bad about it too, all before his life has a glimpse of life and that is Ye Qiyuan. Unlike him Ye Qiyuan is quite messy, he may not leave garbage on the floor, but he's simply messy, "breathe of life" as Qiyuan calls it. 
Two unlike personalities come together and balance each other. But they also share the vulnerability of having no really close person beside them. Ji Yao meticulousness helps Qiyuan with things like eating on time, taking care of himself etc. And Qiyuan actually made Ji Yao adapt to things he was too rigid about or realize things he took for granted about himself.
Other secondary characters include, most of the time, Yan Dai, Qiyuan's agent, who is like a guardian to his unprotected and naive cabbage. Shen Rui, Ji Yao's agent, who would love to say a few things to Ji Yao, but still has no guts. There are many others, like people from their agencies, other actors and of course parents will appear :) The heart knots must be undone and the mystery of Qiyuan's birth must be uncovered.
The Relationship. Is actually one of the biggest points to me. They don't like each other at first and have all reasons for that, later fate makes them come closer, either work or just interact. With time they become friends and get close. But because they're both pretty mature people in work, but absolute noobs in love or just close relationship, they do not notice the attraction they feel towards each other, so they don't really treat each other like any other "friend", but considered themselves as such. Or better to say they do notice, but more like entangled not to ruin what they have now. For both it's actually the first deep and heartfelt relationship that is not bound by interests or agenda. And it is also hard to come by. They deeply like each other and find each other very good in many ways. Ji Yao may look like a block of ice, but is very responsible and persceptive, not without a note of bad humor. He is not a block who can't read people, but he always found Qiyuan fascinating. Ji Yao's love is simply love, in some ways he might have no high demands for the partner and is ready to make many changes about himself for his partner (btw his sexual orientation does not magically change for Qiyuan, once in a blue moon ML is gay from the get-go), he loves Qiyuan because it is Qiyuan. But his path is not without thorns, because he is one of participants of that first incident and he deeply regretted his attitude towards the incident and Qiyuan himself. He accepts that he did not do good at that time and doesn't know if he deserves forgiveness and good attitude from Qiyuan. Qiyuan treats relationships with high demand for purity. One of the quotes to showcase the hearts despite of maturity of their everyday life:
But people like Ye Qiyuan are very simple at heart, and they are not born to do things like hunting for flowers and squandering other people's feelings. Moreover, when they see too much love mixed with various impurities, they will be flustered and don't know how to react when they suddenly receive a heart full of unreserved and passionate love.
Qiyuan saw too much during his supermodel career, too many people come and go, the love is often bound with career. Like one person can say they love their muse but sleep with others. He sometimes has a recollection of those things while he meets people in the fashion circle, like a designer who is deeply fascinated by him or a teacher who openly proposes things. Entertainment circle might not be better. Ji Yao did not seek love, he might have lived his life like that, almost like a robot, before Qiyuan showed up. They both did not treat each other like other people in their lives would, they also pushed boundries before figuring they are what they want for each other. And then they finally decided to be together, so they went through quite a path.
The System. I want to address the system here. Because it has influence on the plot and doesn't have it at the same time. I personally find that this novel could have survived perfectly fine without the system bs. It says it is a saving marriage system, but mainly it plays a soy souce that disappears for forever. I find that characters have enough on their plate to add another conflict. The life experience of Qiyuan and Ji Yao, their relationship, all this was enough for me. And they had to go through initial impression from each other, overcome the hurdle in their hearts and then come together. They could just come together naturally without adding system mission to equation. The one thing that pushed Qiyuan back was the system, as you may guess. The kind heart as he is, he didn't want to mix true feelings with the need of doing tasks as the system "demanded", so he tried not to get too close to Ji Yao. Because what would he do if one day he has to say "I actually really love you, but I also did this task that said to love you, will you believe me?" Tbh the system just muddied the water to me, it was weird. Although it played some role in the end, but it could have been played in a different way too, not necessary how author used it. It just served to play as a conflict that Qiyuan doesn't want to fall in love, but ends up with Ji Yao and is a bit tormented by questions like what will happen if he fails the mission, if he leaves, which sounds bad tbh, these parts were unnecessary to me.

The Plot. The plot goes through several stages. First role, acquaintance, the first interest. Second role, playing together in a movie, getting to know each other. Third role, TV show, becoming friends, not realizing growing feelings. Fourth role, foreign debut, pursue of love, truth of Qiyuan's birth. And final role, coming together, found family.
If you expect spoilers, yes, these are spoilers :)
Qiyuan wakes up in the body that is exactly like his own, but young and not riddled with sickness.
He refuses the system prompts and decides to live however much time he's left with to the fullest, just working and living life.
But because the point of his timing is crucial, he is now taking part in the casting of a small role for a big budget movie, he actually manages to impress the director, after all the professionalism of the top supermodel kicks in, and he snatches the role for himself. The original plan in which he commits suicide by swallowing sleeping pills and having an accident that will be pushed on Ji Yao's head is completely ruined. The company can't do anything to him, so despite the fact that Qiyuan never acted he still gives it a try. And finds that it is actually quite joyful.
This is where he crosses paths with famous Ji Yao for the first time, Ji Yao came to make a cameo appearance and was surprised by Qiyuan's amateur but spiritual acting. This is where the inner small struggle comes in, Qiyuan is the one who took part in blackmailing him, but now acts like nothing happened and he's all cool.
Also unlike many people surrounding Ji Yao, Qiyuan doesn't give him face. Qiyuan, for you to know, is the most polite and noble-like person, kindest soul, but he also manages to deliver his hidden indifference or rejection even with the most polite smile. He gives zero fucks about Ji Yao for a simple reason. Qiyuan, original one as Qiyuan believes, was used as a spear against Ji Yao, but the waver was the information about his biological parents.
In both lives Qiyuan is an orphan. In his previous life he also looked for his parents (a bit murky info, but basically family becoming unhappy, parents meeting an accident, maybe one parent is gone, another sends the boy to orphanage and dashes off), in this life Qiyuan makes it clear that he doesn't care (after the first fail and possibility that Ji family would manipulate results). Both Ji Yao who goes against Qiyuan's company, don't consider the life of Qiyuan. So you can guess where the negativity comes from. Qiyuan doesn't blame Ji Yao, since Ji Yao is a victim of blackmailing of original Qiyuan, but it doesn't mean he's completely on his side too. Ji Yao doesn't have the best opinion of Qiyuan due to blackmailing, but this Qiyuan acts too different from usual. He doesn't address it as changing cores btw, they're not that close to notice.
Here we also meet another character important to the story, Qiyuan's agent, Yan Dai. He is a former golden agent, but after having a falling out with the current chairman Zhan Qiyu (the one who orchestrated the entire incident with Qiyuan), his ex-lover, he is feeling betrayed and decadent, only Qiyuan brings him out of his slump. He is an honorable protector of Qiyuan as his soft cabbage that everyone wants.
After his first small role Qiyuan is invited for a magazine shoot, but before that he is invited to a celebration. Qiyuan agrees, nothing is as simple as charming people from fashion industry to him, he is their muse. Although this sounds pretentious and there are a lot of exaggerations along the way, they're not critical, but beauty is maxed out in this novel, so you can guess how charming and captivating our noble boy who is not noble at all is.
Mind you, the first day Qiyuan arrived, he signed the divorce agreement, sent it out and moved out. But Ji Yao did not proceed with divorce yet. So all this time Qiyuan thinks he's a free man. Naive sometimes.
Ji Yao's interest actually peaked during a photoshoot that Qiyuan had for his first magazine, but the past blackmailing still prevailed him from having a good opinion.
They both live their lives before Qiyuan is cast in the new movie where Ji Yao is the male lead. 
It is worth to take a note that during the very first filming (him playing the mermaid prince) Qiyuan showcased his superb interpersonal relationship skills, he truly can speak to anyone, he doesn't make a fuss, always keeps a polite smile and acts very maturely, he makes people feel good about him and themselves, a seasoned person. So he captivated the entire crew with his mature look, but almost lovely nature in the eyes of surrounding people, acts mature but others find him cute, like a precious polite child kind of thing. But it is also due to newly built relationships that finally when he is attacked online there are different opinions about him that resolved the first major PR crisis for him. After the filming one of the actresses posted an ambiguous post making it sound as if Qiyuan added drama. But when the time for the movie to be released came, her fans were slapped back, because the duration of this guy's role did not exceed few minutes. I still remember the scene where a fan of this actress came with a stopwatch on his phone just to prove a point. I also remember I thought why someone thought it was a good idea, because when movie comes out people will call you out.
Actually, this actress has a bit of a story and follow-up in this novel, she is called Jiang Yun, comes from another company that is famous for being shady. She acts big but others know her fake image outside. After the movie came out her post backfired. She was also discarded by her "fiance/boss" who has weird hobbies, she is scorned and abandoned by the company and her agent, due to whom the crisis rises in the first place (Qiyuan witnessed their affair, mostly he saw the agent, and agent decided to "strike first" and ruin Qiyuan's rep before anything else, so he won't speak out (-_-)). After her fall she crosses the path with Qiyuan and this episode showed the glimpse of the kind heart of Qiyuan, he may know it's a trap, but he can't leave the girl on the road, helped her out and contacted her family for her and it also showed that he has a touch of envy in him for that family connection, since he doesn't have a family of his own. But for the girl it was a salvation and for many other characters Qiyuan is a sort of warm light. The novel may not dwell on the darker things, but for many Qiyuan is indeed the person they needed so much to come out of shadows.
This episode passes by. But the fame of Qiyuan is on the rise. The small role he played made people pay attention to him. The fashion magazine he took part in sold out like hot cakes.
Coming back to the second movie he auditioned for. Here he plays a secondary character, but against Ji Yao who is a main lead. Following the previous dive into fake noble character of Qiyuan who has etiquette engraved into his bones, but actually he doesn't come from aristocratic family, he plays a noble person, so it was easier for him, but he makes a progress through teachings, watching and constant work that happens in the background. We don't really concentrate on his progress but we see and feel his progress. He has a talent, but it's like hidden in the rough.
Again, Qiyuan manages to charm many people around him and become the crew's mascot, he is a young boy for others, has a calm and maturity but also cuteness of a child.
But the work together makes both Ji Yao and him have conversations on acting.
And I can't say there is any closeness to them, Qiyuan will definitely avoid Ji Yao as much as he can, but we have a glimpse of Ji Yao's first attraction through the the magazine Qiyuan shot, because it lacked a photo Qiyuan thought would definitely be included, but we know that Ji Yao has it in his private area. Interestingly, when Qiyuan was doubtful if feelings of Ji Yao what he thought he came across this photo later in the novel.
But because of acting Qiyuan and Ji Yao have a bit of friction due to final scene. Qiyuan's character has family, but Qiyuan himself doesn't, so of course he is oblivious to what to play, but eventually decides on his own version.
During filming of this movie he meets a movie queen, Tang Yu, she is one of few who were helped by Qiyuan. Although Qiyuan is all noble and collected most of the time, but he is particualrly sincere when he met Tang Yu devastated in the midst of her divorce and unable to play and tries to lift her spirits up the way he can. It created a connection between them and eventually Tang Yu invited Qiyuan to play in her TV series she produced, to which he agreed.
He was basically airborn, so after he finished the movie and moved out from being a mascot in his previous crew, he prooved to the new director that he is worthy of his role (this has a scene / audition that stuck with me from first read, now I know where the scene comes from, Qiyuan plays a doctor, and his audition is just a walk along the corridor, meeting extras and reacting and the way he did it flawlessly and then used elbow to press buttons is what impressed the director). Unlike previous crews, because each crew is different, this one is more "chaotic", because it's all mix and match and not everyone understood why Qiyuan came to play in TV series. But Qiyuan didn't care, he wasn't running around making friends anyway, so even if some treated him with question and others ran to him for benefits, he dismissed both. He also plays a doctor who is a main suspect actually, this role became really popular and the show aired prior the release of the movie he played with Ji Yao.
By this time due to acquaintance he and Ji Yao actually knew each other more, to the point where he asked Ji Yao to teach him how to race for the final scenes in the TV series. This is one of few episodes when in interactions Qiyuan inadvertantly made Ji Yao realize that for example his racing is not simply something he keeps doing just because of formed habit, but something he enjoys.
The friendship grew stronger from that point, Qiyuan may dismiss with some polite phrase, Ji Yao may take it as a straight ball instead. Like the eating, for example. Qiyuan due to his growing environment has small appetite and can't gain weight. Ji Yao took his passing phrase and turned around and supervised Qiyuan's eating. Stuff like that. Warm relationship? Definitely.
Interestingly, while not realizing Ji Yao made some moves like some domineering president. But it's kind of cute and awkward. Like due to accident he let Qiyuan live with him (where no human was allowed to come in), while he slept on a couch. He already eased boundries he set for others. But also the way others viewed or chased after Qiyuan made Ji Yao a bit possessive. It's funny how he can't put two and two together and dismisses the words of his doctor that they should start a relationship and meet it openly. But later it's what they end up with.
Work together, shows, auditioning for another (foreign) movie, spending some time together because Ji Yao provided the foreign residence. Of course they grew closer through this period of time. They have their own uncertainties, since they are nto sure if the other person loves them or treats them as a friend, should they make this step or stay as they are and not ruin what they have.
But during their foreign travel this is where he meets a person named Ye Shenglin. And this is from where he finds his true story of birth in this world.
Rewinding back. His agency, Zhanhua, made him set up Ji Yao, he refused, the main point being him wanting to find biological parents. Qiyuan (original) sent two samples. His and the other person from same orphanage. What was his name, Mu Yun or Mu Yue, let's call him that. This guy took part in the plan. Later discredited when Jiang Yun blacked Qiyuan on the network. Later was out of the question before he was used for blackening again. But later laboratory sent news that the match was found, but it's not Qiyuan's, but Mu Yun's. It was evident that Zhan family with someone who plotted from the Ji family, wanted to use it to manipulate Qiyuan. Although part of Qiyuan was envious of such simple family, but he calmed down afterwards. And the next time he got news he wasn't as "excited".
Back to Ye Shenglin. He is the head of the Ye family, also a big family like Ji, and we find out that he was married once to a common girl (Qiyuan's mom). Later Ye family was in a dire situation and he made a decision, he divorced his first wife, left her with the child and married again, business marriage with warm feelings. But now twenty years later for some reason he wants to find the child (already forgot why), but he also finds out that the child was left alone for 20 years, his ex-wife died long ago and who knows where to look for the kid, but remember laboratory and gene bank? It gave results.
Meanwhile Ye Shenglin thought him crossing path with Qiyuan has other meanings, sort of scheming from Qiyuan's side. Especially he was furious when people called him Qiyuan's dad, because the two took photos during event and it was posted online, but because they looked alike people started making comments like that. Mr Ye even publicly unfollowed Qiyuan, which led to haters mock Qiyuan. And Qiyuan himself had no idea what he did wrong (nothing), yet he did not care. But Mr Ye was too sensitive about the word "son" in that situation. He was slapped in the face soon enough, because Qiyuan was the son he was looking for.
He thought Qiyuan would be happy like he was, but he was met with indifference, after all Qiyuan did not wish himself to come into the den like Ye family. He lived his life well. Also he was prejudiced, Ye family is so powerful, why it took Mr Ye 20 years to find his missing son.
Ye family soon found about it too and they wanted to sow discord, after all the Ye couple only had daughter, but who is Qiyuan, he doesn't want this cabbage from Ye family, he has his career and life. He refused Mr Ye and Mrs Ye too, who came to probe.
Unlike other stories Qiyuan is not a son of a mistress, he is a legit child of the first marriage. his birth is not shameful. So there are no hard feelings between Mrs Ye and Qiyuan. But both Mr Ye and Mrs Ye actually felt bad that due to their decisions in the past the boy had to grow up outside in such cnditions. Despite everything, due to some events Mrs Ye liked Qiyuan a lot. Qiyuan doesn't aim to please people, it's just his small actions that he does inadvertantly make people feel good about him.
They managed to come together and grow closer after that and Qiyuan also met his half-sister, who was actually a fan of his. This is the found family trope line.
Their relationship is actually pretty sweet. Because Mrs Ye and Zhiqiu can see that Qiyuan is kind by nature, he is not pretentious and has no idea about the Ye family. To them he is a wonderful son/brother, a truly warm and mindful personality. He treats them just like everyone else, with time even better. For Mrs Ye he is a son she always wanted (like they want daughters to be cotton-padded jackets, he wanted a son like that), due to upbringing of their child and Mr Ye's busyness Zhiqiu became quite detached from her parents, but Qiyuan managed to bring the family together with his presence. Even at some point make Mr Ye change for the better and realize that what he was striving for is like a baggage, but what he has, his family, was left neglected by him and might fall apart one day. I really liked the transformation of this family for the better. Finding unity they've lost along the way, along the interests or changes. Realize some of the things they always wanted to do.
The last part of the book is basically how Ji Yao and Qiyuan came together. That Ji Yao was almost openly chasing people, almost being fearless. But it's the care for each other and the fact that they couldn't leave each other that Qiyuan eventually proposed to be together. No matter how much time he got, he wants to be together and not regret it.
I forgot at which point Ji Yao's mom appeared. No, I actually remembered. During the Award Show for the movie when Qiyuan wore jewelery given to Ji Yao by his mom, she arrived to figure things out (after all she knows her son, giving his things to wear is a really big thing). She thought they were together, but they weren't at that point. Later because both mother and son have cold personalities it's thanks to Qiyuan both were linked back again. Funnily Mrs Ye and Yao's mom know each other and boasted about half a son and adoptive son as most polite, most mindful boy in the world and it happened to be the same person.
Because of the Ji family affairs their relationship became known to others, but it wasn't a big crisis, since they kept appearing together a lot anyway and their CP group grew bigger and stronger, many supported them as a result. Ji Yao actually took most of the weight upon himself. Another episode also helped, was quite a funny actually, how several actresses Qiyuan helped came out and whailed how their cabbage they wanted to chase, their little angel, was snatched already and is already married! Some designers and other people also came out, so no one thought Qiyuan rose to fame thanks to Ji Yao, but realized that Qiyuan is such a hot commodity ahahaha

In Conclusion. I really liked it. Although it felt like it's long, but it had its own stages and development. I liked that some parts had reappearance throughout the novel.
Of course it is not without a flaw, but it's subjective. I think it could do without the system. Also I am still a bit puzzled about the rebirth part, because at first it's like rebirth but as a different person, at other time it actually his own life, so there is no other Qiyuan, it's all him.
But skipping these parts, it had a great development, of characters and relationships, it made you genuinely feel good at the end.

RATE: 4,5/5. Because of the system involvement, otherwise a good read.

Aug 22, 2024

[NOVEL] Magnolia Parks by Jessa Hastings

She is a beautiful, affluent, self-involved and mildly neurotic London socialite. He is Britain's most photographed bad-boy lothario who broke her heart. But Magnolia Parks and BJ Ballentine are meant to be, and everyone knows it. They're in the stars... just suspended in a strange kind of love that looks like hurting each other a lot of the time: She dates other people to keep him at bay; he sleeps with other girls to get back at her for it. But at the end of their every sad endeavour to get over one another, it's still each other they crawl back to. But their dysfunction is catching up with them, pulling at their seams and fraying the world they've built; a world where neither has to ever let the other go completely. As the cracks start to show and secrets begin to surface, Magnolia and BJ are finally forced to face the formidable question they've been avoiding all their lives: how many loves do you really get in a lifetime?

Or how to DNF a book in 1 chapter

Long story short, the writing is a poor mess, you can't understand shit, but the main idea is pretty obvious - two people who are so hung over each other and deep inside they love each other, but they're not together and it feels like they come after each other when they openly sleep or date other people, but they still hang out in front of each other, which is so toxic from the get-go it was obvious where this is going to go. Reading few reviews I just comfirmed my guess. This story is nothing more than pining after each other, but hurting each others in many obvious ways. Also they should be young people, didn't catch that. Even teens are better than that. Too much props is given to the FMC, since she's supposed to be the "star" of this book and star of her life. Wealthy socialite (easy to guess, because only rich people can get and wear what she does in modern England) who is surrounded by several men pining after her and she is so head over heels after her boy BJ (what a name, I mean, shortening of blowjob, okay), who is so in love that he can't keep his dick in his pants and fucks anyone left and right and then they basically talk about it, as if they have any right, when they don't. So weird. 
And I'm not a preach to say that there shouldn't be some level of badness, sometimes I enjoy deeply trashy books, but looking at this I knew what type of toxicity it'd be and it's not my thing.
Back to the writing style. It is truly a chaotic type of style that looks like - I will write whatever- because it jumps all over the place with no substance and interruptive mentions of "fashion" or basically who wears what. I went into this absolutely blindly, not even knowing what genre it was. The book was recommended in one of those rec booktubes, if I ever find who recommended me this, I'll obliterate them online :)

Being curious as I am, Daisy Haites (title of the second book) joins the universe from book two, as I catch it, she hooks up with one of the guys who is in love with Magnolia from book one and it is also another toxic relationship.
After reading a bit about other books in the universe, it reminded me some school campus drama, when people date, then break up and then they date other people who dated other people they know and in the end it feels like everyone dated each other :D


Aug 19, 2024

[Historical Romance] Bookshop Cinderella by Laura Lee Guhrke


Evie Harlow runs a quaint little bookshop in London, which is the biggest adventure an unmarried woman with no prospects could hope for. Until Maximillian Shaw, Duke of Westbourne, saunters into her shop with a proposition: to win a bet with his friends, he’ll turn her into a diamond of the season. The duke might be devilishly attractive, but Evie has no intention of accepting his ludicrous offer. When disaster strikes her shop, however, she’s left with little choice but to let herself be whisked into his high-society world. 

Scandal at the Savoy. Book 1

Finished the novel, this is how it is with historical romance from beloved authors and when the book does not disappoint you, it passes in a flash.
Meet Evie, an owner of a bookshop named Harlow's, and Max, who is a duke, and a bet that changed the fate of the two.
Although the bet sounds a bit icky, it's not like that at all in reality. I was also a bit on defence when I read that premise, but the truth of the story and settings are as follows: Max's cousin Delia was in contact with Evie as her best help when organizing dinners, but now Delia is sent to Rome on a short notice and she trusts only Max to visit Evie's little bookshop and fetch some papers she must have arranged for her. Max has done so, but he saw Evie preoccupied in being awe-struck by a young men (who we later find out is her old acquaintance), she was so awe-struck that she forgot all about doing her job properly, something she was proud of, she delays the date few days later. But when he returns she again finds that she's not ready, since she hastily agreed to the young man's proposal of using her back premises as a place for his meetings, but she was so tired because of it that she forgot again.
But this time Max was not alone, he was in a comany of three young men, who Evie deemed as his friends, but it wasn't so. But this crossing between the young men and him and their unfavorable discussion of Evie later that day put Max on defense, he was of the opposite opinion and the young men stirred to prove it. With that dose of alcohol Max agreed, he was on the verge of being angry with his own "peers" that they dared to say such undeserving things.
Later Max, explaining the whole situation and admitting that his words will definitely offend her, still proposes the bet. Of course Evie refuses. But to her dismay, he says something that sends her off. After all no one before could see through her shell. He knew her work through Delia's words, he saw Evie for himself and he was sure that it will be a bit of adventure for her too, because he saw those sparkles of interest that shined through.

“I think the real reason you’re turning down my proposition is that you’re afraid.”
“Afraid? That is absurd!”
“On the contrary, it’s perfectly understandable. After all, if you change things, you move into unknown territory. If you dream, your dreams might be crushed. If you aspire to more than you have, you might fail. If you hold your standards too high, you might never find romance. So instead, you try to reconcile yourself to the hand you’ve been dealt and tell yourself it’s good enough. You settle for less than you deserve, including the attentions of a man who is unworthy of you.”
“How dare you say such things?” she cried, her anger flaring higher. “You don’t even know me.”
“Neither do you. You can’t see yourself as you truly are or explore what you could become. Don’t you want to find out? Don’t you want to at least peek out of your safe little nest to see what exciting, wonderful possibilities might be out there for you?”

Even if she refused and Max took it as her answer and was a gentleman not to go any further, it still left Evie with a lot to think and process. We have a bit of backstory of hers, that she inherited her dad's bookshop, but with debts on top of it, she managed to work herself to the bone, but she also managed to pay off the debts. She was proud of this challange in which she succeeded. But then was no challenge, just a mundane life, her safe little nest she talked herself into believing was the best place for her.

Evie looked up, staring at her surroundings. The shop, the flat, the books—this was her safe little nest, she realized with a grimace. It was familiar and predictable. And she had always been happy here.
Until now.
Evie slammed the cash register closed. She’d been glad to come back here, happy to help her father in the shop, relieved to be back in a world that accepted her for just what she was, a world she knew and understood. And after Papa’s death, she’d welcomed the distraction of running things on her own. Making it solvent again had been a challenge, one that in her grief, she had badly needed and had eventually come to enjoy. And with each debt paid off, there had been a sense of triumph and satisfaction.
But now, there was no debt. There was no challenge. Only the mundane daily routine. And lately, hadn’t she felt a faint discontent stirring in the air? During the past year or two, there had been mornings when getting out of bed and going downstairs had seemed like a pointless journey, endless days when even her beloved books weren’t enough to hold her interest, nights when she’d lain in bed, staring at the ceiling, bone tired yet unable to sleep. She’d wondered, more often than she liked to admit, if perhaps it might be best to let it all go, do something else.
But one thing had always hushed her questions and silenced her doubts before they could ever take hold: What else was there for a woman like her?

It's a bit of "And then he kissed her" situation. That she loved the past and would not change it, but it deprived her of many joys too. 
What was unexpected was not only that deep inside she agreed, but also she had to agree. Her boiler blew up and the bookshop was flooded with water. A disaster stroke. At that moment of her questioning life itself she thought that taking a break wasn't such a bad idea.
What I liked about the whole novel is that we see a woman, who is not sure of her charm (that she even has one) is also very preoccupied with herself, what she does, how people will evaluate her, the woman who later lets go of her worries, through Max's affection and passion she can find confidence within herself. That she is worthy.

He was flirting with her. At that realization, Evie’s heart gave another nervous lurch, slamming into her ribs with enough force to rob the breath from her lungs. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice.

Her lack of confidence lurked like a shadow after her. Starting from her days in school, when she did not expect to see so much scorn because she was among ladies of peerage, but she was a middle class. The hurtful fact that she seemed to be unattractive to the opposite sex.

In agreeing to this holiday, she’d known she would be entering an entirely different world, but even as she’d checked into the opulent Savoy Hotel, even as she had eaten the rich cuisine of the famous Escoffier and chosen beautiful frocks from the fashionable Vivienne, Evie hadn’t appreciated just how alien her holiday world would prove to be.
Now, however, as the duke led her into an enormous ballroom of gold and white, with an intricate parquet floor, dozens of gilt-framed mirrors, and a domed ceiling at least thirty feet high, the contrast between her life and that of her companion could not have been more stark, and she was more convinced than ever that when the time came for the duke’s ball, when all of those fashionable people in her imagination became real, when they were staring at her with the same disdain as the gargoyles on the gate outside, she was going to make an utter fool of herself and justify all their expectations. Her fantasy to triumph over Freddie Maybridge and his friends, her need to face the past and put it behind her, her wish to have a more fulfilling, interesting life in the future—it all seemed ridiculous now.

Only with time, new relations, new experience, she could feel the change in herself. That she was more confident, that she was worth of all this. That these months were a wonderful experience for her. Something she never thought would happen is that shift on her own opinion of herself.

This was not the same woman who had stared into the wavy mirror above her shop sink, wondering what the duke had seen in her that she could not see in herself. It was a superficial change, perhaps—an illusion or a mirage or a trick of cut and color—but even to her own eyes, she did not seem plain or unremarkable. She no longer felt bored or boring.

Because of rules they could not appear together and her most fun began when Delia returned home. Both did not insist on finding her a husband, but just wanted to have fun. Those weeks filled with fun she had never had before changed her completely.
But it wasn't only herself who changed, but her relationship with Max.

The main conflict of the relationship and how they were "not fit together", does not come only from the fact that both come from different classes, but because of Max's first marriage. A passion during his youth and a wife who could not bear the scorn of the lot due to her origins (she was American), she eventually became hostile and the lot had the same attitude towards her. She escaped but died under a carriage. So Max is a widower.
Although he burned with passion, but he was dead set on the fact that he needs a woman of his class (hence the chosen Helen, whose younger brother placed a bet against duke). He knew that nothing good would turn out if they continued, especially after his first experience that was a splitting image and it didn't help that Evie was scornful towards the nobles too. But of course no matter how one denies it, Max came to conclusion that it can only be Evie and no one else.

Anyway, I really liked the two of them, I like her stories, she picks up two interesting people, they may have similar traits or Guhrke might use similar tropes, but in general there is a lot of respect, support, understanding in relationships. They become soulmates withouth a strong emphasis on it. Although some may find historical romance not as good as simply romance, but I do not agree. It depends on a book too :)

RATE: 4/5. Only because it has the feel of previous books. Although the lightness of it, the romance of it are still as good.

Aug 16, 2024

[Chinese BG novel] 瓜王驾到,内娱战栗! by 清风独挽月 / The King of Melons has arrived!

Summary: Li Shiangshuang woke up and realized that she is a cannon fodder control group in a book. Her trajectory is nothing more but struggle in the entertainment industry, being splashed with dirty water because she does not belong to any studio and be depressed from online abuse and eventually commit suicide. Now she realized that she is simply a cannon fodder and her next variety show will have the female protag of the book, a.k.a Sea King white flower that chooses and picks different male partners to finally end up with a wealthy young master of the Gu family - Shen Xuewei. But bad news aren't without good news, Li Shiangshuang got a golden finger, she can see the memories of people when she touches them, thus she became a King of Melon in the entertainment industry that revealed the deepest secrets of people around her. This allowed her not only gain popularity, but find many things that changed her life.
This novel should be re-written
What a wasted potential. You can clearly feel how shallow it is, almost on the verge of being perfunctory. It is also very short and leaves you with impression of being underdeveloped. It's like it wasn't written by the same author, more like it feels like there is a glimpse of the author, but they went off rails so hard (compared to the novel Green tea is forced to tell the truth). I didn't like most of it, I thought that jokes and other things that were brought up simply lacked style and simply stinked like cheap American comedy with humor below waist, with abundance of shit, ass jokes. It also left a stain on the main characters. If the situation and the backstory of Li Shuangshuang were given more attention and care, her involvement with the plot, the truth behind it, if all other unnecessary things were cut off the plot would be much more compelling and in my opinion, better.
I will explain the plot, so you don't have to read it, then I will explain what was good, at least what I found had potential and what was simply bad in my opinion.

The Plot. Shuangshuang is awakened and doesn't want to become a cannon fodder, although she doesn't want to get involved with the main protags, she is doing variety show with them. Here she finds out that she has a special ability, looking through person's memory when touching them. To be honest, I thought it was a faux pas to make it seem like the more intimate parts she touches the deeper the memories. This was used for jokes that I did not find funny. She meets all the guests and they all have dark secrets. The one she is disgusted about is a rapper who took parts in orgies. Although she has no evidence, but the group had trouble and were sent to hospital, the guy had STDs and he infected the rest of the guests except Shuangshuang. Although this was handled badly, since it was broadcasted and it's such an intimate thing. Next thing this rapper was sacked. The next "victim" was an actor who flirted with others but had three concubines and three children, those women relied on him and didn't make a fuss, because they all knew that the actor was infertile but had money to support them. Sack number two. Here Gu Jingyun joins Shen Xuewei on the variety show, he is original male protag and they act like in an idol drama which is cringe. Domineering CEO my ass. They clashed with Shuangshuang mostly because Xuewei always liked to act like she is bullied white flower. Another guest that was uncovered by her was an actress who believed in superstition and lost her cool during broadcast and was also blacked on the network. Another guy was a male idol they caught while trying to connect with underage fan. Another one arrested. While this was going on Shuangshuang finally connected to some good resources. I want to omit it, but she always used her skill to put people in their place. Sometimes it felt inbalanced (about this later). She won a role over Xuewei, which escalated the conflict between her and Jingyun again. She was being targetted now. Here comes into action some family ethics drama, since this Jingyun isn't an honest guy too. No matter how he tried to throw dirt on her, Shuangshuang managed to be really lucky and her image of not only melong king, but also righteous person who defeats evil became more and more solid.
Meanwhile she met Fu Hengyu (ML) in her early stage and helped him avoid being framed by his own agent. Hengyu always remembered it. But for the next part we mainly see his cousin Lu Xiao in focus, who is also a police officer and investigates criminal cases, she used this connection to convict many bad guys.
Later Hengyu appeared again, but in order to seek help for his senior sister, an actress Kong Chan, who married a wealthy family. The dealt with that situation, parted ways.
She continued to being targetted by Jingyun, then sent him in, he was released but Xuewei's career was over. His father appeared on screen and later we find the truth about Li Shuangshuang's father.
The full story about the Tang family from start to finish. Kong Chan's daughter went missing, she was actually kidnapped by her "aunt" and left in the mountains. For this Shuangshuang was invited and because she had to touch people for receiving memories she spent her time touching people (again jokes like she's a hooligan). Next she went undercover to get to Kong Chan's husband.. here I was baffled by why they decided to include hemorrhoids and that Shuangshuang had to touch someone's butt. Is that funny to someone? It wasn't the first butt joke. She figured Tang Lin had relationship with his nominal cousine, Tang Wen, they were not blood-related but still. They had a son. But because Tang Wen was crazy and wanted all property for her son she not only kidnapped the daughter, but also made Tang Lin sterile. She was instigated by her family, main room who could not inherit simply because her father was infertile. Second Room, Tang Lin's parents, were patriarchial, so the did not care about granddaughter. Later Kong Chan with the help of Shuangshuang found many secrets of the family and divorced successfully. When she returned she was entangled by her ex-husband. Once he wanted to match his daughter with his illegitimate son for bone marrow. But had no idea that his parents went for another baby and were successful and discarded this unwanted son and the sick grandson. Next Tang Lin came back for money, another butt joke, since he shoved the jewelery into you know what hole. But was caught. The next thing they know is that Tang Lin was discarded, got addicted to gambling, in the end kidnapped both parents, threatened them and set them on fire. Afterwards lost all the money and was beaten to death.
Actually if it's wasn't for the butt jokes and too much dirt it could be a more meaningful part of the story. Shuangshuang has a story with Kong Chan, she helped her deal with evil and some of the Kong Chan's decisions were made in consideration of her daughter. Instead of having this shallow feel. But Kong Chan became one of those who were grateful to Shuangshuang.
Another family that was involved with the story and had a lot of screen time was the An and Mu families. Because An Yiling, or Shuangshuang's agent, is from the An family. I wish some of the backstory came sooner, because it felt so abrupt when suddenly we get a backstory after many chapters and get to know the entangled story of this family. I'd say the author went out of their way, I wish they would cut many of the things and leave the best parts to showcase the complicated relationship and how someone could be driven mad.
The full story about An and Mu families. An Yiling is the "true daughter" found when she was ten, but the fake sister never left and stayed as adopted, always targetting Yiling and making her life worse. Her parents did not favor her. because of Shuangshuang's abilities the truth behind the family started to unravel. First of all the adopted daughter had relationship with both son and father, She was caught in action and her engagement with a higher family was cancelled and the family matter were spread instantly. Shuangshuang did it in retaliation that An family wanted to sell Yiling to the Mu family. Mu Kai who acted high and mighty but was actually a gay man who cheated sex. His deeds became known and both families went against each other. Mu Kai also contracted AIDS due to his chaotic life.. I don't know, many gay men were shown unscrupulous and dirty. Mu Kai went as far as seducing his half-brother, infecting him too in retaliation as discarded son. Back to An family, due to the scandal the son and adopted daughter decided to marry, adopted daughter was pregnant but had no idea to whom her baby belonged to. Mrs An went crazy, also tried to please Yiling but nothing really happened, Yiling was too disappointed with her family. Next thing you know is that adopted daughter wanted to frame Yiling and Shuangshuang along for her miscarry during the wedding day, but Shuangshuang uncovered her true face in front of all people. Another chaotic scene and infamy. Mr An actually had another illegitimate child, born to Mrs An's cousine, but he thought beautifully, this son belonged to Mr Mu. Mr An was left with no one, but had his daughter. Brother and adopted sister wanted to please the old guy and you can guess in which way. When Mrs An saw the scene she stabbed her son, he died, chopped her husbands manhood and other places, he survived, ruined adopted daughter's face and other organs, she also survived. Later she was admitted to mental hospital. If this part wasn't so excessive it could have been good, the part about driving someone crazy. Back to the Mu family. Since Mu Kai was not in favor, Mr Mu went to introduce his illegitimate son, but during the banquet Mu Kai confessed about AIDS and how he infected Mu Fei, half-brother. They also reappeared in later parts, how Mu family took back the last healthy boy. But Mu Kai even wanted to ruin the boy. In the end he was stabbed by the angry child's mother. Although survived but not for long, his own father offed him in the hospital. Mrs Mu (Mu Kai's mother) saw this scene and went mad. Mr Mu already was in bad healh with all the shock before, so he did not survive the fight. The family just fell apart like this. Mu's glory since long passed. And now they had no one.
And the last but not least, the secret of the Gu family.
The full story of the Gu family from start to finish. After Jingyun appeared on the show and targetted Shuanshuang, she tried to find ways to detain him for his unscrupulous means. One incident with a guy who was intersex actually made me mad at Shuangshuang, yeah the person in question wanted to harm her, so deal with him accordingly, instead she used the secret to blackmail the person to work as "double agent". This person came into picture once and tipped off that Jingyun dealth with someone. This someone is Xuewei's biological father. Well, this father is nothing more but a small gangster. Why author decided to include that Jingyun had a relationship with him as one-night stand is beyond me. When this father found his daughter, of course he wanted to extort some money, but Xuewei reported it to Jingyun. In the end with this info she sent the two people in, but they went out since the assistant took all the blame, but since they were connected Xuewei's stardom ended. Gu Qian comes into picture, he is Jingyun's father. Although he claims to be sorry, but later he targetted Shuangshuang in another way, wanting to get rid of her. The truth is, Shuangshuang's father was the son of Gu patriarch, Gu Qingyun, was kidnapped, adopted in a family, then left blood-sucking relatives, after getting married had a wonderful life, but unfortunately passed away early. So Shuangshuang is the only descendant. Gu Qian was aiming to become the next head of the Gu family, so he wanted to deal with Shuangshuang. It was her luck that she escaped again and again and later managed to attract the old man's attention. He was so happy to find his blood. He was also the one who sent Gu Qian in for all his black deeds. Throughout the entire novel either Jingyun or Gu Qian used money or influence to stumble Shuangshuang, but failed. Shen Xuewei at least had decency to feel sorry for targetting Shuangshuang, when she realized what things her Jingyun did to climb into position. But again I say that these things were excessive, like sleeping with a nanny (49) was a bit too mcuh and unnecessary.
Portrayal. Shuangshuang starts as this ambitious girl, but sometimes she is quite unlikable. Although there is nothing wrong with her to strive for success, but when it comes to dealing with people and revealing their secrets, some truly deserve condemnation, but sometimes feels like she's going overboard. In general she is righteous when needed and also loves the gossip herself, so she was present at many major events of this novel. I felt bad that she had such a shallow treatment, especially when you find out about her father, her love for him. I felt so sorry that these parts were so shallow. I say it would be good if her power was used to allow her to see the true face of her step-father, how her mother missed her, that they're all good people and look forward to her coming back, and if author took a deeper dive into it these parts would be so much better. Like her love for father is deep, this is why she was so insecure during childhood and was rebellious, but now she sees through power how her mother cares and uncle Shen cares too. It's good that relationship grew better, but felt like it needed more work. In this case I think it could have been meaningful if this power was used not for the butt of the jokes only, but for meaningful things. I really liked the parts where it made sense for her power to be used in the right place. her finding love in her family, finding the truth of original storyline, finding her grandfather.
Romance. This is also questionable and had potential that was not utilized. Like why ML is Fu Hengyu? I asked myself while reading, Shuangshuang for the first part had more chemistry and interactions with Lu Xiao, but because he wasn't special like Hengyu, he was skipped, though they went through many things. Reminded me of that Metaphysics in Hong Kong novel when MC ends up with the police officer she helped to deal with many cases. But Fu Hengyu was special. And I felt so sorry this part wasn't expanded. Like make emphasis that Hengyu like her lived for a second time, he had nightmares in which she saw how they were friends and worked together, despite her hardships, but when she committed suicide he did not believe and found clues about Gu family, but was targetted by Gu Qian and they both became victims (also does not connect with the beginning of the novel, Shuangshuang said in original storyline Hengyu would quit entertainment, but then she says they wroked together (the story plotline is their past life btw)). Hengyu I'd say had worse portrayal, he thought Shuangshuang liked him, even considered her a fan before realized she needed to touch people to get info. But he already liked her (why, beats me). The feelings were really shallow here. And next thing you know Shuangshuang agrees to their relationship, because not only of their past but Hengyu is such a hot commodity, anyway she liked his appearance (-_-) anyway... The relationship felt so unnatural to me. It was so shallow.

But this is how it went. From being unknown, to becoming popular, dealing with people and reaching pinnacle.

I ommitted many instances that made me feel the ick. Like several guests in other shows. One ate unscrupulously, at least she gave the doctor's number, but there was no need to make it so disgusting. Another was also problematic about sex, they made him worked and the dude got better. Another was male idol who wanted to touch Shuangshuang since their boss was attracted to her, but instead embarrassed himself too much and disappeared. A lot of shit and ass jokes and excessive situations or setting I think were not needed. It would have been better if we only concentrated on some milder things, paid more attention to her past, how she grew up, how she figured out her family and the Gu family. There was no need for other exaggerations that felt vulgar and dirty. 
I felt utterly disappointed :( wasted potential sometimes is worse than being plainly bad.

RATE: 1/5.

Aug 15, 2024

[Chinese BL novel] 万人嫌养子被迫联姻后[穿书] by 惗肆 / Thuosands of people suspected that adopted son was being forced to marry

Summary: Genius investor Bai Xu enters a novel and becomes the disliked adopted son of the Bai family, shortlived. He was adopted because a master said that Bai Xu will lead their family to prosperity, but when Mr. Bai who believed in it passed away his son and daughter-in-law for benefits instantly used their connection to give a "happy" wedding to Shang Yanxiao, who recently got into a car accident and became comatose. Bai Xu couldn't be happier, he cheated the Bai family out of money to use it for future gains and now he has a handsome husband who lies there and does not obstruct him living his life. Shang Yanxiao was in coma before he woke up, but he knew that his accident that killed his parents and made his younger brother disabled was man-made, to dig those people out he pretended to be in a coma, but now he had to handle this new husband who always teased him.
I'm simply copying the summary I wrote myself for the short reviews. Finally, this novel was completed recently and I had a chance to read it, but you will never guess how polarizing my impression currently is.
The vibe of it is surely close to the Blind villain and pretending to be a fool MC by the same author. Maybe it's my own problem, but despite the fact that this work is solid, you can feel that author tries to make her latest works better, I still stumbled upon several places that really dampened my mood quite a bit. So I liked this work less then the previous one.

    1. Expectations (not my own). When you set your character as this genius investor, which is not really utilized in the book itself. The fact that he invested into a small studio, was done simply because he wanted to pay back to original owner. Next he negotiated a contract, but if it wasn't a stroke of luck and circumstances I truly doubt it was his genius who would win the contract. Another instance is how he invested in a film studio, it was "just because" reason. When they decided to join a project and were refused by suppliers of materials, since the rival company released a verbal order, they joined an outing where they could showcase themselves. I just get either "invest in whatever" or "hardworking" image, which is far from genius. 
    1.1. Expectations about the story. Let's be honest, the plot did not bring anything new to the table. It's a story about wealthy family infighting. That someone created a car accident, which led to the third room of the Shang family end up in such a devastating situation, both parents are dead, Yanxiao is the one unscathed, but Queyan lost his legs. So we know someone is responsible for this, but we need to uncover the truth. Actually, there was no need, the author manages to make it too obvious from the start, because the second room is too obvious at being hostile, but they act a bit not as villains, a bit stupid even. When the first room has all your suspicion, especially the description of Shang Qishun. 
    2. Characterization / portrayal. I found that all characters are to my liking, except MC. Often time someone on the side will comment how great MC is at communicating, that he can talk with anyone, but I simply don't like when someone says that someone is cool when nothing special is happening. He may stay collected in fights, wait for his own chance to pay back, whatever. But just because he can talk to someone is made into this special trait. If you remember the review I did on 前任破产后我绝症痊愈了 back in April, you will know the reason why I liked MC there, this is what I call act like fish in the water, fox in a coop full of chicken. He was described like that almost in deragotory way, and these thoughts were only floating in ML's head and were not spoken outloud. Here, someone constantly follows-up with a phrase how great MC is at communication skills. It becomes a bit tedious. Again, the way summary says he's a genius investor, but it is also not delivered doesn't help. The other part of the problem is "be / act oblivious". When characters like his do not understand feelings, while they lived for so long. And only later they will confess to themselves that they covered it up by excuses, in case of Bai Xu he said to Yanxiao that they can be sex friends at first. The only thing Yanxiao could do after being frustrated that their relationship was described as such is to agree and slowly win over Bai Xu. Like he refused to become closer to a person he was attracted to, but honestly I saw no deep reasoning as to why he decided to do that. Everything is changable, especially relationships, there is no need to be so rigid and stick to your initial decision of leaving the Shang family, because they're all characters and you don't want to have anything to do with the content of the book. Honestly, I felt so weird about Bai Xu, you could see his human side a lot, like with relationship with the old man Shang, since he also had a grandfather who brought him up, or Queyan, whom he helped to cope with disability. But at other times that childish desire to win or the way he treated love relationship was not my cup of tea. While other people were pretty well portrayed. Although Yanxiao acted a bit like awe struck, but he was responsible, strong and resilient. Queyan (althought did not get as much time) went from despair to hope in his condition, which was hard. In general the cast of this novel was quite diverse in terms of friends and foes, smartness and a bit of brain damage.
    3. Brother relationship, Zhang brothers. I didn't pay attention if they were too close for brothers, but when things started to develop into a romantic direction I was like - oh, you decided to do that. I'll be honest, my biggest pet peeve in novels is actually relationships between non-blood related relatives, but who lived under the same roof for years and years and considered each other relatives. Zhang Changning is the adopted son, who knew that he is adopted, but played a role like he had no idea. Zhang Changxu is his older brother, who always paid attention to him. I think they would have continued to be like this if the real young master who was lost for years was not found back. Spoilers, but it is Bai Xu. And the ending was a bit sobby, since both are actually good friends and Bai Xu acted like a matchmaker for the two of them. But honestly I could do without it.

I do not deny that I indeed was waiting for this story with a bit of excitement, I stuck with this author for several years now and finished like at least 8 books they wrote, but with their latest novels this author moved away from their previous style of creating more silly conflicts for MC or stumbles that will keep you upbeat and wrote more seriously. Like there is a dive into characters, their problems etc. I'm not against it, in terms of discovering MLs I even appreciate them a lot, since not many pay attention to MLs portrayal. But I admit that the level of entertainment fell a bit due to that. To me at least, I'm sure others may not find it as such.

RATE: 3,75/5. It's all personal opinion.

Aug 12, 2024

[Chinese BG novel] 快穿开启锦鲤运 by 夜月独一人 / Quick transmigration to open koi luck function

Summary: Ning Yue is bound by a system and has to travel to different worlds. Although resisitng, but thinking that as long as she travels it's like eternal life. She starts only with her koi luck, but reaches heights she never thought of.

Note: 1120 chapters long (chapters are short)

Welcome to Qidian again! Ahahaha Tbh I didn't plan to read this, but I felt that the novel I've been waiting for is going to be completed soon, thus I thought of finding something intransition. I did not expect that I will finish the whole thing. 
It is far from perfect, it has many routine situations and plots. Not without some fresh ideas though. But in general these stories / settings we've heard about before. Yet the good part is that despite such length it is an easy-peasy novel in general. Very relaxed and has no big ups and downs. We know that Ning Yue will succeed anyway. Even if sometimes we hear things from original plots that are quite horrible, but it is Ning Yue who will make others miserable in return.
Another point is, although I say it's BG and it is, but there is NO ML. Ning Yue does not see the need in having a man by her side, sometimes she has, but there were only several people she had relationship with, but you can't call it love.  She had a great relationship with all of her men, they loved her dearly, but there was still some distance in feelings, like she was not madly in love with them. Basically if you're here for sweet love, you'll be disappointed, since she acts as if love is not needed in life etc. Consequently she never saw the need in kids (because of her own experience) and most of the time where she had them, she arrived after original character had them, so she became mother only once in the last arc.
But with such a lengthy novel it's still impossible not to be without flaws. The most is of course the matter of convenience. World-building is non-existent. Don't wait for any depth etc. it's just an easy read. The other one is that at first they talked about her going back to her world, but eventually they never did. She eventually became a divine entity that couold travel at will and do whatever she wanted. Honestly, I would read a second part where she simply had fun. But I also had a question about her character, you know some of her traits were solid, but sometimes I felt like I'm reading about different people.

Now the short summaries of arcs, so it will help me keep a track of what happened:
ARC 1. True and fake daughter. If I'm not wrong true daughter jumped on recognizing relatives and wanted to ruin the fake daughter, who originally did not leave. Ning Yue left (btw she always has the same name in arcs, but different last name) and came to her parents, she used her koi luck for money and basically she became wealthy herself. If I'm not wrong these adoptive parents did not have a good ending because they were in the revenge scope. But pretty forgettable plot.
ARC 2. Story in the 70's. If I'm not wrong here was a girl who was reborn but also got a farming system. Ning Yue had a big family and they all kept quiet when she was like a lucky star of the family, finding different things in the mountain, selling these things etc. Her family got her support, she also taught all the kids. She herself got married to an educated youth. They were framed by this reborn perseon, she thought Ning Yue will be a widow, since her husband died, but he didn't, she prevented some things likfe a frame-up, they basically lived a prosperous life before they moved entire family into capital, everyone got their own business. Her system 009 stole the farming system from the reborn girl. Her ednign was also not fine, but Ning Yue didn't do much, because the woman in question wasn't of the brightest mind to get a good ending. I think this was one of the longest arcs, like 150+ chapters I think.
ARC 3. Ancient times. Again if I'm not wrong, because some things are kinda slipping away. In this world original owner belonged to generals, while she was basically swindled. In this world there is a girl with a system that must become the top concubine and then queen. So she gets rewards. Emperor used original owner's family and framed them when they were not needed. She changed tactics, never was with the emperor, but showed her generocity with the harem. The girl also got allt he green light to seduce and be with emperor to achieve her goals. Then she was pregnant as the only kid, because emperor was infertile and she had system. Ning Yue got rid of the guy, left this girl, basically because the girl was so obsessed with system she left her and through her system hacking the other person they got many good things and this world prospered. I found it new that MC used the other person's strategy system in such way.
ARC 4. Cannon fodder top stream. OC had a good career as a top streamer. But then when she was filming she met a girl, who became her stand-in in the last part of the movie, but through revelations from this girl everyone had the impression she was a stand-in throughout entire movie and the network started to black her. This girl just wanted to step on her. The actor she was dating (who was refused by OC's manager) also poured dirt on her head. Here everyone laughed at original owner who did not get higher education, how she was supported and all kinds of rumors. But actually through previous worlds Ning Yue was highly educated in different languages and also proficient in calligraphy etc. She went to a program and it subverted everyone's impression. I think they also wanted to bribe her mother who exposed the two on TV show. Ning Yue basically started with being a top stream, but actually became a boss whow as very successful. And the pair was exposed online. Some character seem to reall lack IQ.
ARC 5. Cultivation. Here OC was a girl with ordinary face, but with a talent, but she chose wrong sect. Her master's daughter had conflicting roots and her master experimented on her to achieve success. She was discarded in the end. Ning Yue chose different sect and cultivated in her own way, but achieved success, this is where her 5 root system appeared. But also this world has the daughter of luck, who is master's daughter. Who is nothing like a heroine, because she is more of a sea king who also gets everything for nothing. Ning Yue cultivated everything she could and snatched all of heroine's trophies and when her own luck outweighed the other person they had a final confrontation. This is the first time Ning Yue used her own alchemy and actually transformed the heroine into girl with two huge badonkas. But Ning Yue used knowledge of this world in every other world, like her cultivation and her sword and the chaos ord became chaos world later. But I think this was the only cultivation world, others were either modern or historical settings. Only one was in the future.
ARC 6. In this world there were too many taskers whom she had to deal with and original owner suffered from. Opportunistic males who had nothing, but got either system or a golden finger who used to to not only get the OC, but also make her bankrupt, because who needs only one woman while you're so great. Because Ning Yue had her mental power far beyond the system's reach she had no problem dealing with thema and she stole all of their cheats one by one. SOme of these she used later, like getting rich system. She went offline and let the OC return when all males were dealt with.
ARC 7. The first beauty. Ancient world with some martial arts background. Because of her sister OC went through torture from men one by one, she was cheated of sex all the time and ended badly. Ning Yue instead created all the opportunities for her sister to go through everything OC went through. The difference is her sister almost strived for such life of being chased after, even if later realized no one loved her. Also all the men got what they deserve. She used cultivation and some of her talismans and tricks. Later they simply traveled with a guy she met on her way.
ARC 8. In this world OC was plotted against by her family, was drugged and sent to a person who was supposed to propose to her eldest sister. The man was responsible but due to impact OC became twisted, thus the villain's mother story. This time she became a mom for the first time. She cared for her son, changed herself, explained why things happened as they happened previously. Her son was quite smart (hence villain). She also got to know her husband and changed her attitude towards him. Her husband was responsible for that accident thus the marriage and pregnancy. But somhow new Ning Yue got him insterested as if he knew the core was changed? Anyway, they eventually were pretty harmonious in bed. More than that, unlike previous arcs Ning Yue spent a lot of time in bed with her husband. Who knows why, maybe because of himself. Anyway this was not only a family world, but also her husband was a ruthless personality, almost like a boss in another country (why this setting ahaha). OC's situation also got clearance, she was adopted, her uncle's business was built on compensation from her parents' death. But her sister was the one who plotted against everyone, because she wanted everything. Well, she failed, because Ning Yue's husband was now obsessed with his wife and they could deal with everyone.
ARC 9. 9th planet. Only interstellar setting. It was like a farming + rich system arc. Basically OC was developing a planet, before she was dumped by her fiance due to her depleating strength. She would have been married off then kicked out. But Ning Yue simply used the rich sistem to start developing the planet. She also used the fertility potion to help people get pregnant, because this world has problems with it. Farming, all the local products plus her own seeds and the planet became prosperous. She also took part in a bit of palace intrigue, but it was nothing too much. She basically helped the prince who was best as a heir to the throne and stumbled all others. Also got rid of her ex-fiance and the woman he cheated on her with. Strange world, it felt like the convenience of intersellar world, all those instant deliveries are hilarious, but also felt like they're backwards due to inability to grow crops etc.
ARC 10. The spy. Republic of China arc. Here Ning Yue was made to believe that she's reborn but with perks. With her cultivation, strength, mental strength, tricks like invisibility talisman and portable space, she looted and robbed and destroyed, the bloodiest arc out of all. She saved good people and killed the bad. She was like a ghost at every scene, used high tech to fight, which promoted the best outcome.
ARC 11. I am a dandy. First time Ning Yue was a man. She also used the rich system. Was quite a flmaboyant arc I'd say, because Ning Yue was a clean playboy, whom every lady loved to pieces. He was generous and protective. Even if the girls didn't sleep with him, they felt he was one and only. Quite fun arc I'd say. It was simple. OC was kicked out because of an incident with his ex-fiance. His family thought he did bad, but it wasn't the case. He was actually plotted against many times. Was too protected to recognize what is good and what is bad. Later because of the rich system Ning Yue became the secret rich man. There is also a story of his fiancee's rebirth. Where she wanted to reunite just because she knew he will ebcome rich and famous and she wanted that. Flamboyant life of a rich dandy.
ARC 12. End of the world. In this arc she was a mother again. Cheated by her husband who used her family as a ladder, but when they had problems he openly didn't help and also cheated. Then the end came, he somehow knew about it and became a person with status because he had a lot of supplies, she and her son were plotted against by cheating husband couple and lost their lives. Here she again used her cultivation and spring water from her space to improve the lives of her son and dad. Next they traveled to a base, she kicked asses on her way. Basically she had no problems in this world, since she had all the supplies and her space was like a never-ending production line of crops and meat. Spring water also helped to end the apocalypse sooner. She also had a relationship with a researcher who had become like intelligent zombie, but converted back due to spring water.
ARC 13. Escape from famine. She was a child bride bought outside. Then the famine came and everyone escaped. Ning Yue traveled along but later saved a general and also thought of the princess her ex-fiance saved. She disguised as a man and traveled further, saved the princess herself. OC did not have this fate, she had a store in her posession, later she came to capital, worked in a store, was noticed by this scumbag, talked into relationship and then when she was taken to their residence when princess found out she was dealt with by the scumbag,w as poisoned and died. Later princess and general traveled with Ning Yue towards capital. Emperor had all the problems in the world. Ning Yue as a med expert gave emperor fertility potion to have the son born. Also served as an advisor and helped to deal with many things, including economy and crops etc. Uncovered the true face of the ex-fiance in front of the princess to make her realize that not everything is what she thinks.
ARC 14. In this arc OC was framed and convicted, did not survive long, because she was targetted. The one who framed her was her ex-boyfriend, who covered up for another girl he hooked up with. Ning Yue basically became a small boss. She used her wits to realize she was contacted by someone special, so when they escaped she played her dumb role of gullible but strong girl and as a result she uncovered a big den with the one woman who contacted her as a boss. Then she joined police and moved up the ladder uncovering many cases. Her case of course was overturned after the den was uncovered. Also the family of the deceased girl played a role and the family who covered up had a lot of problems. Including ex-boyfriend.
ARC 15. After kidnapping. OC was sold to a village. She suffered a lot and ended up badly even after returning. Ning Yue saved all the girls who were sold off. Came back, figured it was her "bestie" who did it out of jealousy that she was chased by a wealthy boy. Later she did the same thing to a girl. Used her wit to catch the entire gang. Changed her major to medicine and became a prominent figure in medicine.
ARC 16. Special years. Another time Ning Yue was a man. With a family of five and a pregnant wife. He was actually kidnapped, but used as a cow and a horse at hme, his kids and wife got the least while working the most. Basically she became a resourceful guy. Did everything for family, also sartly got separated from the family. Found his biological parents, but actually did not have deep connection yet helped when family was in trouble. In this life she was an engineer with a prominent career developing many good things. Later they moved to the capital where his biological parents lived. Ning Yue always lives by the principle, good parents are rewarded handsomely, while bad parents get what they deserve. Same for everyone else. But it doesn't mean she is deeply attached to people, she always has the feeling of distance.
ARC 17. Duke's daughter. Here are several prominent characters. She's basically a vicious cannon female second. But she changed herself because she mostly united with her sisters, including the one hwo traveled from modern times and is supposed to be a protag in a book who will end up with crown prince. She helped prevent many bad scenes and deal with foes. All the daughters found good husbands, but she herself escaped to travel after everything was done.
ARC 18. Substitute's love. Here she is supposed to be a heroine of sadomasochistic relationship where ML does everything bad, but they end up together. Because the plot deals with her. But with Ning Yue's mental power she could do whatever she wanted. Instead she put the two scumbags who dealt with OC together, she herself lived a life of a rich lady, investing and getting returns. Also several men found her stunning after her transformation. She also helped the youngest son, her ex's uncle, get better and revive his legs. Who also helped in return retaliate, since he also had a grudge against his family. Ning Yue made the White Moonlight of the scumbag become the main palace like she wanted, but made both go through same hardships as OC and get a bad ending in return. This "uncle" although young had feelings for Ning Yue, but she refused and they became friends instead. The gears shifted, due to her actions ML's halo shifted to this uncle, but he also had only her in her heart and she stayed the heroine.
ARC 19. Last one. Ancient times. OC was plotted by her fiance and enterted the palace where she did not survive. Emperor was incompetent, but power was in hands of his eunuch. Instead of emperor, she targetted the main eunuch, whom she had a relationship with, revived him and had a child from him. This eunuch comes from the framed family and entered palace for revenge. Instead the plotted against the bad guys, saved the good ones. When the emperor saw his end they announced their identities and the truth of the twins she gave birth to. Her son was smart and basically was enthroned. Both ruled behind the scenes but did everything to promote the growth of their country so many had nothing to say. They lived a happy life and her man was devoted to her.

After it was done, due to her becoming the owner of a small world she eventually became a divine entity and could become a Lord God after he retired. So she could do whatever she wanted.
Again there were things liek returning to original world, never mentioned since. A lot of convenience in the "plots", but all in all and easy read that is not hard to digest. Really convenient when you don't want anything and switch off your brain and just read an easy story with achieving protag.

RATE: 3,5/5.