Aug 22, 2024

[NOVEL] Magnolia Parks by Jessa Hastings

She is a beautiful, affluent, self-involved and mildly neurotic London socialite. He is Britain's most photographed bad-boy lothario who broke her heart. But Magnolia Parks and BJ Ballentine are meant to be, and everyone knows it. They're in the stars... just suspended in a strange kind of love that looks like hurting each other a lot of the time: She dates other people to keep him at bay; he sleeps with other girls to get back at her for it. But at the end of their every sad endeavour to get over one another, it's still each other they crawl back to. But their dysfunction is catching up with them, pulling at their seams and fraying the world they've built; a world where neither has to ever let the other go completely. As the cracks start to show and secrets begin to surface, Magnolia and BJ are finally forced to face the formidable question they've been avoiding all their lives: how many loves do you really get in a lifetime?

Or how to DNF a book in 1 chapter

Long story short, the writing is a poor mess, you can't understand shit, but the main idea is pretty obvious - two people who are so hung over each other and deep inside they love each other, but they're not together and it feels like they come after each other when they openly sleep or date other people, but they still hang out in front of each other, which is so toxic from the get-go it was obvious where this is going to go. Reading few reviews I just comfirmed my guess. This story is nothing more than pining after each other, but hurting each others in many obvious ways. Also they should be young people, didn't catch that. Even teens are better than that. Too much props is given to the FMC, since she's supposed to be the "star" of this book and star of her life. Wealthy socialite (easy to guess, because only rich people can get and wear what she does in modern England) who is surrounded by several men pining after her and she is so head over heels after her boy BJ (what a name, I mean, shortening of blowjob, okay), who is so in love that he can't keep his dick in his pants and fucks anyone left and right and then they basically talk about it, as if they have any right, when they don't. So weird. 
And I'm not a preach to say that there shouldn't be some level of badness, sometimes I enjoy deeply trashy books, but looking at this I knew what type of toxicity it'd be and it's not my thing.
Back to the writing style. It is truly a chaotic type of style that looks like - I will write whatever- because it jumps all over the place with no substance and interruptive mentions of "fashion" or basically who wears what. I went into this absolutely blindly, not even knowing what genre it was. The book was recommended in one of those rec booktubes, if I ever find who recommended me this, I'll obliterate them online :)

Being curious as I am, Daisy Haites (title of the second book) joins the universe from book two, as I catch it, she hooks up with one of the guys who is in love with Magnolia from book one and it is also another toxic relationship.
After reading a bit about other books in the universe, it reminded me some school campus drama, when people date, then break up and then they date other people who dated other people they know and in the end it feels like everyone dated each other :D