Aug 28, 2024

[Chinese BL novel] 踹了渣攻后我跟他小叔HE了 by 织墨 / After getting rid of the scum, I have a HE with his uncle

Summary: Lu Xingyan is a second master of the Lu family, he is a popular socialite. But at the engangement scene, his fiance Sheng Mu ran away to pick up his White Moonlight at the airport. Facing the absence of his fiance Lu Xingyan did not feel it's a big thing, there is no fiance, then he will simply change it. And instead of Sheng Mu, he chose Sheng Wen, who is actually in charge of the whole Sheng family. The scumbag might have ran away, but it's no problem for me, I will find happinness with his uncle.

This was a fast re-read for me. Mostly I was looking through old bookmarks that were labeled as not having a review, so I decided to flip through to remind myself what was going on.

Note: It's not the best read actually, if you skip it, you won't lose much. Although it sounds horrible to say such things, but I'll explain it.

Lu Xingyan is with Sheng Mu because of a reason. Let's get to the core of the reason. Back when he was a kid, Xingyan was kidnapped and his kidnappers made him drown to film a video to send it to his parents. It sounds kinda sick, but in the end Xingyan had a severe PTSD. He couldn't get close to people, even his own family. He had an allergic reaction if he was touched by people he didn't like. Even Sheng Mu was used as a face by him, because he thought that Sheng Mu saved him from drowning during his 18th BDay (as you can guess later, Sheng Mu did not do it) and he used him as means to cope with his on-going nightmares etc. But when he knew Sheng Wen, Xingyan finds that with Sheng Wen he can not only touch and feel, but he also feels the most secure in the world. That is his subconscious reaction towards the person who saved him from drowning.

This novel is short, like very short to me (64ch). And I can't say I'm satisfied with how some things were played around. For example, Xingyan's condition is pretty serious, but he doesn't dwell much before he decides that he wants to be with Sheng Wen, part of the reason is that he is not against being close to him. But he really did not think much if the other person will turn against him and use it as Sheng Mu did.
I also don't think the reason behind Sheng Wen's story is profound and why he actually always liked Xingyan is pretty strange to me. I already forgot the reason, but basically because of Sheng Wen's origins as illegitimate child, he had a pretty rough childhood and period of growth. Xingyan is said to be his only light. He also came back on his BDay because of that, so he saved him but did not stay, he couldn't. Sheng Mu used it as means to be the savior in the eyes of others and mooched off Lu family in the end. He also used his "savior" status many times to basically PUA Xingyan. But who is Xingyan, he is not so easy to fool.
Later Sheng Wen was the one who sent the "White Moonlight" to Sheng Mu and made the engagement fall apart (too convenient if you ask me), so he did not really offer himself, but agreed when the offer to change the groom came.
They also have a "misunderstanding" that I thought was stupid. Because instead of confessing feelings etc. Sheng Wen treats it as if he needs a strong ally in the face of Xingyan, that this is a business marriage and Xingyan kind of does the same. The other misunderstanding that partially Sheng Wen thinks that Xingyan treats him as a substitute for Sheng Mu. Really the reasoning is so underdeveloped and it feels weird how a grown-up man did not dig deeper into why the two are together, that Sheng mu screams I'm a savior at every corner and did not put two and two together and realized the reason... just left me a bit baffled by the logic.
This goes on before Xingyan figures out why he is not against Sheng Wen and maybe the guy hides behind the mask of his stupid reasoning, but they actually care.
Sigh. The whole novel is like that, underdeveloped reasoning behind why they can't be honest with each other and also their feelings that came from somewhere unknown. Sheng Mu comes into picture, but the writing is really.. kinda old (although this was published in '21), maybe because it is. Because of Xingyan's prior attitude he thinks he got Xingyan in his grasp, but doesn't realize that Xingyan doesn't need him and will come after him. Both Xingyan and Sheng Wen don't treat Sheng Mu as rival at all.
Anyway, not much going on, they deal with each other and Sheng family situation quite quickly, the novel passes quickly, it's not great, the relationship doesn't catch you, because you find the motivation of both parties kinda weird and lacking in substance. As a result they're happy together.

RATE: 2/5. On the scale of all the things I've read it's just meh.

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