Little Witch Academia is one of those animes I put on indefinite hold (literally been years) to return to them whenever the mood strikes, after all when I still have interest in them I choose to keep it for later, but it feels like I never get around them haha. There are animes I can put on hold, but eventually I lose interest in them and let go.
It doesn't mean that Little Witch Academia was some phenomenal watch, but just the theme of witches and a magic school was enticing and it looked fun. And I also watched the movie and that short episode that I believe appeared first.
But yesterday I simply made myself watch it instead of waiting for that ethereal mood to arrive.
Actually, it's a quite naive watch. Idealistic and naive. It's very simple when it comes to the theme, but it does execute the idea. From zero to hero kind of story. It's also interesting to find the revelations of the last episodes, maybe my favorite part outside of some characters' antics. That Akko's magic was taken away without her knowledge, but the person who took it actually gave her the best motivation and life and her life goals.
It's also nice to see that the final part and union was done between two girls that were opposing each other for the entire series, Akko and Diana, but whose goals could not be closer. I could imagine their couple would have gathered a following.
In general it was fun to watch, colorful and dynamic. Very much what Trigger studio would do. I had my own fun with a lot of ridiculous parts, almost like slapstick comedy. Must admit Sucy was my favorite, with her sharp delivery of facts and unmatching personality. Other parts of delivering cliche monologues for this type of story simply me laugh (what can I do, it's so idealistic and naive). I had to remind myself - I watch young kids. But honestly Akko and her firends did so much damage to the school during their time ahaha. It was as if I watch the kids not having sense of self-preservance at all.
Some parts were truly ridiculous if you think about them for a sec. Not like this show tries to be serious anyway.
I laughed a lot at the final scene where Croix was being escorted and the Headmaster says - You can return anytime. While Croix is solely responsible for the mess. And they act as if it doesn't matter. Tsk.
Ngl characters outside of the few main are quite shallow and one-sided.
The only thing to complain about is almost a direct depiction of the conflict between Ireland and GB, which is a real thing and shouldn't be a part of the whimsical witchy story in my opinion.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that students of the all-boys school Appleton (?) appeared in clothes that appeared similar to you-know-who. Which was weird.
RATE: 7/10.