Feb 19, 2025

[TV Series] The Golden Girls (1985-1992)

I found Golden Girls by accident. It's a pity when I watch YT videos about movies and shows I basically never saw anyone mentioning them, though it's such a funny and witty show. I finished Season 1 yesterday.
The basic premise of the show is we're in Miami and two women, Dorothy and Rose, find Blanche via advertismenet that she has an available room for rent. This is how they come together and become roommates and three women develop inseparable friendship. The three of them are soon joined by Dorothy's mother Sophia, because her retirement home burned down.
They go through different life situations together.

What I really like is that it's all-female cast with age ranging in 50-60'ss. First of all it's hard to see an older cast as main characters nowadays, don't correct me if I'm wrong. And we're talking about women who do not visibly try to look younger, they aged gracefully, unlike what Hollywood likes to push nowadays. And I'm glad not because there is some "girl boss" moment here, since they're single and thriving, on the contrary these three women are now independent, but it does not mean they do not welcome romance in their life, the thing is romance is not everything in their lives.
I don't know who says it jokingly and who means it, but a lot of time you hear from younger people how women reaching their 30's are considered ancient, which is such a toxic thing to say and it's actually sad, because this is how women treat women.
What I like about this show is that these women are no longer young, they share a strong friendship bond, they live and thrive despite their age. It's very uplifting. 

And I love the humor. The era of humor which is not some dumb nonsense or vulgarity. A lot of humor is actually played around and based on the characters themselves.
Dorothy is snarky, Blanche is flirty and Rose is a bit of an airhead. Sophia just says what's on her mind. So a lot of jokes are based on their characters, like Dorothy with her witty comebacks, Dorothy not getting what is meant and Blanche, well, she has a lot to say about men and her own beauty. The background about Sophia is that she had a stroke and now doesn't control herself at all.

(this compilation comes from different season)
Another point I love a lot is FASHION. This show makes me miss the fashion of 80-90's, when things were so colorful and fun. I heard not once the insult of someone not dressing well as "did you steal it from your grandma?" believe me when I say, your grandmas were more stylish than you who look like beggars, while wearing branded clothes.

Anyway, it's a fun show. Highly recommended.

RATE: 10/10 (Season 1).

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