Devastating how people mistreated this movie in reviews. What about being a joke, what about even wanting this a "dark finale". It's as if people watched it in the worst mood possible, so they did not appreciate it. The other part of audience actually loved it, so it basically became a competition between 5-star and 1-star reviews. Tbh when such a contrast occurs I believe that people are too critical and honestly it's basically because they don't see what they want to see and don't bother to analyze what is in front of them.
Should this movie not have a joke? Tbh in my situation, which for others sounds as devastating as it could possibly be, I found Thor in Endgame a joke and being played dirty, instead of Ragnarok and Love and Thunder. I find these two movies a revitalization of the Thor franchise in general. Taika Waititi managed to balance between drama, sarcasm and humor. But humor doesn't mean you should laugh your ass off, it's not a comedy, it's an awkward comic relief as I see it. Originally Thor always felt like an awkward man, he was too confident and really did not realize what he should do, remember how in the first movie he felt like nothing without his Mjolnir, at it was not the first time when he lost himself. Times changed him, he went through personal tragedy of losing his closest relatives. But let's also not forget, they always reminded all viewers about fighting and falling like a true warrior in a battle, this meant they were not some pampered people and there were time when they should have been ready. I see Love and Thunder as return to square one, to being lost in search of what to do and what he is. But it's not a literary movie, it's not an existential drama, it's a superhero movie. I personally don't believe that Thor franchise should have been delivered on a serious platter and have dark tones by now. Like WHY? Why some people even want it to end. I'll ask you in return, why Thor should have saved people, tried to survive for them, so he could fall for them in the end? If one of those viewers who criticized the movie for its' tone, I want to ask - why it should be dramatic? Who stipulated it? The Dark World was dramatic in a way and basically because of it, it looked a bit off at times. Let's not forget that there is so much humor going on in all other MCU movies, why they're not criticized then? I honestly don't see the basis why it should not have the atmosphere it has.
Why I think Endgame was more of a joke for Thor. There he was more like a hysterical man, there he looked more comical. Yes, he was in depression, but I personally didn't like that they mostly made a joke out of it. Here he is just lost. Yes, the way of showing it is crude, the indifference while taking part in what is happening around him. But it works. Again, I think Waititi out of all managed to catch the blend of character that would suit Chris and Thor, make it its' own character. Out of all I find most comical is when guys in spandex and with fake armor push speeches about saving universe with all seriousness. Come on. That'd be too funny in return. Why people can't visualize it.
Why criticize Jane and Thor relationship? Tbh this one I also wanted to point out to some who felt that their relationship took too much space.. Eh what the f... and also that it was rushed. Excuse me. Have I missed something or people have massive amnesia how it would have been too out of place to actually include this relationship anywhere near previous movies? By those I mean Avengers and such. Let's also be realistic, with the schedules of actors clashing it's already a good thing they've been able to even mention it and also Thor's awkwardness when it turned to his relationship just burst out when Jane was mentioned. To be able to walk out the Jane's character out of the franchise was actually good. She's a scientist, she's a great person, she wanted to live her best till the end. People always scream - give us good female character! Here we got the female character who decided on sacrifice, on a brave battle even if she's just a human, instead of ghosting on a sick bed. Yes, she is frustrated, who wouldn't be, but she tried to make the best of it. We know she left in that moment, but it also was connected with future. And that future are children.
Children. If one looks at it closely the theme of children goes from beginning to end. First we see Gorr losing his daughter, which becomes his motivation for revenge against gods. Their entre civilization has gone extinct, there is no one left, just desert and starvation. This pushed him on the path of the villain, he lost what was most important to him. Applauding Bale for his absolutely phenomenal performance, you can see he's the person of an acting more than a blockbuster type of actor, very involving. Later the children get kidnapped by him to be a lure to get Thor to the point where Gorr needs him. I saw someone saying - why Thor only shared his power with children in the ending battle, but not adults in the beginning. What a stupid question. First of all despite the possibility of it happening, should Thor be a walking lighting giving his power left and right, doesn't this lack respect to others as warriors? They pride themselves as warriors, what type of warriors mooch of one person. Children on the other hand were alone and it was a move so Thor during final battle would not get distracted, and also as he said - they're future Asgardians, not just children. I think it played well and it also looked fun. It was very brave watching the kids taking things in their hands instead of being scared and just waiting on being saved. And last but not least - Love. The movie has similar opening and closing shot, which made Gorr wish for the revival of his daughter instead of revenge against gods, even if he couldn't take care of her, but isn't it something new when a villain with his final word asks to take care of his Love, his daughter. And thus Thor who lost the woman he loved so much got a daughter and this is where the Love and Thunder comes from. Tbh by this moment I was waving my kerchief like fan girl. Why people are so critical about kids, honestly. I already felt so bad about the girl who played the daughter of Tony Stark, now we have a new girl, why be critical that there are kids in the movies. Isn't it good that these people got a chance to have children, biological or not. Why only seeing it as if - oh, here they introduce new people to the cast. Hello~ Are you serious, they're CHILDREN, before they reach the time they could be in title role years may pass and by that time who knows what might happen.
Guardians of the Galaxy. Another criticism I heard, that some did not get enough shots or why they were even together. Should Thor really be with the team of GotG though? Despite the fact that they have their own movie to shoot. It's not Thor and GotG though. It was understandable that after a while their paths separated, otherwise even script-wise there'd be too many characters to follow. Unfotunately title movies can't have it as Avengers, which is a collective movie. We got a bit of them, GotG get a distress call and separate and Thor becomes again team Thor with Korg. I see it really obvious. Although it'd be fun to watch them together, but who knows they might clash in new GotG movie which will come out later. Once again, in other title movies, like Iron Man or Black Widow I haven't seen others coming to the rescue, it's because when it's their own movie it's a solo story. Period.
Christian Bale. At least here people basically were in synch. Bale played really well, all drama was on him, but it's understandable why. I know he never is scared of changing himself for movies, here as well. The makeup was done beautifully well. His creepiness was conveyed really well. And his final letting go. Although his character did not get too much of screen time as one may think, but his character managed to go through several stages, emotionally and visibly too.

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