Jun 13, 2024

[Chinese BG novel] 豪门女配,发疯爆红 by 我要成仙 / Female supporting role goes crazy and popular

Summary: Su Mi died in her world from overworked, crossed into a bloody novel and was bound by a system, which asked her to go crazy to return her luck to her, so she wouldn't end up like original owner. Only by getting luck can she change her fate. This is a bloody novel of mixed babies and her role is the true daughter of a wealthy family, who played a good set of cards badly. The heroine is the fake daughter and the hero is actually.. a brother of heroine's fiance. Looking at such a bloody novel and pretentious characters who think of others below themselves and the indecisive heroine Su Mi couldn't help but clench her fists.

Some say it's a refreshing novel, but I agree and disagree at the same time with this statement.
As the novel starts we have a fight scene and FL dragging someone by their hair, which doesn't happen often in novels. Later she repeats the same trick again and again, but mainly because it's her task to make a scene and untie the knot of original owner. Maybe it is indeed refreshing to see someone literally slapping faces instead of doing verbal Tai Chi. Also in her defense it must be noted that she's basically in a yolo state, she can't go back, if she doesn't do it she will end up badly, also the heroine and male protag don't make us feel bad about them.
But on the same side is the fact that author unfortunately wrote FL as some others and basically created a female version of domineering male CEO, those cringy ones who say "she is my woman and I will protect her" or "if you touch a single hair on her head I'll bury you all", basically the one who disregards the lives of others, believes in his own selfish justice and is a basic criminal. She may not have done those things, but you can't deny if you switch on your brain that she has her own selfish motives, she fights with others with her own method that are not very honest, yes she may be all about protecting her rights and preaching, but some situations are clearly instigated by her. And her agenda is to get the luck and not die. I say it's unfortunate, because if the author balanced Su Mi's character, then the work would have looked different.
Because let's be real, this is tagged as romance, where it could have been No CP and she also acts like men. For example, her encounter with Lin Yue, who is our ML supposedly, she thought not once that she might as well have fun without consequences. Also she thought he was the same as others when he deceived her, but later apologized. So she is basically acting toxic like - it's either my way or you can roll. While at other times she criticizes men for their behavior, but follows the same route.
In more details.

This novel is quite short and the plot is not complicated. Usually I say that novels are long, because they reach 120-130 chapters, but when it's only 50 chapters long then indeed it might feel short. Same here. It's better not to stop and think because the author has a deep hole and everything works in favor of FL, so partially I thought this novel sounds bizarre.
Su Mi arrives at the Lie family, on the Eve she's going to be taken away by her real parents. Her adoptive parents are people-pleasers, so they made the original Su Mi endure quite a lot, thus she had a submissive character that wanted others to love her, to prove herself and lacked in love too much.
She makes a scene at the dinner table with all those relatives who mooch off their family, which was her first luck retrieved.
She is taken to the Su family (btw no one noticed that she is called Su Mi, when her father is named Liu, but her mother is named Zhao, why no one pointed it out..) where she finds the heroine and can't decide if she is a truly a white flower or a green tea, because the heroine, Su Ruanruan, starts to blame herself for occupying someone's life. But she also bends under the insistence of her parents and especially the grandfather of the Su family (who is extremely partial to her) and leaves the idea of leaving the Su family.
Su family has engagement with the Qi family, Qi Xi, but no one knows that Su Ruanruan has been with her fiance's brother for a long time. She can't recognize how bad it is, she also bends under the "fierce true love" of the male protag. WHile not seeing that male protage, Qi Yun, is a basic profiteer as well. So true love or not, but he kept her as a mistress, while he was engaged himself to a wealthy daughter.
Everything in the Su family did not go as well as others thought. Others thought they can use the situation, but Su Mi's "going mad" moments made many people in the SU family fear her with time. You can describe many others treating her the same. But she actually made a valid point. In real life we see many people going apeshit, but in a sense some people use this tactic to get things done. From a perspective my friend described - sometimes if you don't treat people badly they won't start doing things and when you are prone to conflicts with others people might do things faster just to get rid of you, which is true. So she not once mentioned why when me act up in public it's okay, but the women are treated as if they're crazy. Because Su Mi decided to add points to her force value, since she knew about male protag and his ability to basically kidnap people and deal with them regardless of consequences. She also started training like mad. Here she is deceived by Lin Yue, and l though it was out of character that she didn't catch on. He was also at fault, which he admitted, but had to stay on sidelines for too long before being accepted (on her terms of course).
Thus we go through several important time nods that has something to do with original owner's grivances. Such as she had grievance in her heart being compared to Ruanruan at every turn, but basically many people had their own agenda picking Ruanruan, she's a softy and easy to control. But it still left a mark. Especially the grandfathers preference for Ruanruan who knew how to smile and please the old. But because of her affairs with Qi Yun the old man eventually died. His favoritism was obvious, like he was the one who offered to make Su Mi take the role of adopted daughter, he also did not reprimand Ruanruan for soiling the face of entire Su family when everyone saw the video of her kissing with male protag. Next are comments from people and the attitude of male protag and male second and the villain. Qi Yun, Qi Xi and Mr.Pei. First two always thought that Su Mi was vicious, but the problem was Ruanruan has been walking around as if everyone bullied her collectively and no one listened to reason. Which is the brain-dead part of these characters. The heroine has strong tear glands that can work 24/7, by the end of the novel you get tired of her and problems with her head. The villain used original owner to undermine the Su family, so he also had to go for his attitude too.
The most non-diverse opinion of FL is how every man is the same, so I can understand why some treat her as man-hater. She thinks all are the same, all are greasy and think they're handsome and continue to pester women regardless of decline. They also use any means, legal or not, to achieve their goals. And they spout some cringe nonsense all day long.
Maybe the smart part about it is hwo FL used luck to max her force power, then her acting talent, since she played few roles in it and used her popularity to be very vocal on Weibo about some situations that happened to her. Like someone suspected she was kept, she said she kept others. And other examples. She did not shy away from things others would consider to do or not to do. She also did it freely with the capital behind her.
So Qi Yun's situation was uncovered, Ruanruan story was uncovered. Funnily, Su Mi got Qi Yun into prison for defamation. Since he walked aound calling her crazy and always insinuated that she released the video that ruined reputation of both families. But did nto expect her sueing him. Which was indeed refreshing. She may not shut the mouth of others, but she can do it to this one.
Su Mi used some of the public opinion of people with normal thinking to do the groundwork before the trial and since she had accumulated a lot of luck it went well. In short others were trying to use outdated means of bloody novels with cringe male protags to deal with her, like ruining her, harming etc. But she used the power of law to fight back. Although she also used physical force.
Because she was so fierce others did treat her like crazy, but she changed her tune from mania to logic and it was hard to find fault. So others might have been frightened and acted like quales. But she also was right, be peaceful and get your share of the pie,s he won't miss it and will share it, but just don't mess around.
The heroine didn't change her tune much, although many times she promised to change, but because she was too soft-hearted she always bent under the pressure. Her grandpa wanted her to stay and she stayed even if she knew it will aggravate Su Mi's "illness". She was engaged to Qi Xi she didn't love for grandpa, was a mistress for Qi Yun. Then switched to Qi Yun when she was chased and wanted to prove her true love. Some of their behavior brought trouble to Qi family. And the list goes on. She cries and feels that it's all her fault but does nothing or should I say does not consider the situation, the feelings, what would happen with other people. Love-brained girl with a Stockgholm syndrome.

But I still have my main problems with FL. Her portrayal. Although the novel has many good things to say. Like to protect yourself, be vocal, sometimes it's actually working best when you make a scene, don't let others shame you. But other parts are too generalized. For example, all men are put into the same category. She also treats them not seriously too. I thought it would be better if FL would be above these things and not act like men she describes. And also acting like a powder keg that is ready to fight at the slightest inconvenience to herself. 
Anyway, I felt unbalanced about her. It was also a bit boring that some of the scenes were like repetiton of the previous ones, fighting, slapping, even her cursing was not imaginative.

Some novels I reviewed previously have such "living in the novel and think every moment is like a movie" characters like Su Ruanruan and many also have these relatives or someone who always protect the heroine for whatever reason and they sound like crazy. But some novels do manage to showcase the irony. This novel made the attempt.

RATE: 2,5/5.

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