Jun 2, 2024

[MOVIE] The Fall Guy (2024)

Leitch, you can do it!
This was fucking amazing. Spectacular, juicy, with irony, a little bit of comedy, a little romance and with awesome stunts. Leitch wouldn't be himself if he did not include some awesome action going on.
I honestly fell in love with this movie, it's really simple and many would brush it off as a popcorn movie, which it is, but I personally find that this genre that has a bit of self-irony suits him a lot. Also because it's not serious, it's easily rewatchable too. And many mention popcorn movies as if it's a bad thing. It's certainly not a bad movie.

The story of Colt and Jody is simple, both worked on a set and were falling in love, but then an accident happened during shooting and Colt was out of business for 18 months. He is called on set again, drops his current job and buys a ticket to see Jody. Jody actually did not expect him. She is now directing her own movie, a big blockbuster about a love story between an alien girl and a space cowboy. Colt is back to be a stunt man again for the main actor Ryder. But after the shoot the producer, Gail, says that Ryder is gone missing and she doesn't know where to look for him, so she asked him to do it. So he gets involved in a simple twist. Which is followed by cars, chasing, fights, plotting, explosions.
And we have "I was made for loving you" by KISS playing in the background.
How cool is that?
There are so many moments and details that are spinning wildly in my head after watching that made it fun, had references, were ironic, were funny.
The romance is also simple, like why things should be complicated? He loves her, lost his confidence, got back to get a second chance, maybe was preoccupied to think twice why he was asked to search for Ryder and not anyone else. She likes him, but because of his disappearance she tries to play it cool and brush it off, but her act is clumsy and not convincing enough. I also think that they're quite lovely.
His feelings for her can be explained in one image, which I find really funny and want to add some corny phrase (not from a movie), which would sound something like: "I'm so hot for you, baby".
I was made for loving you, baby~
Ahaha you can see her reflection in his glasses. And the whole movie can be explained in two images, the second one shows the small humorous details, like him trying to brush off glass for a good minute as example.
Honestly, there is so much more to it, so many details involved and they are jampacked together.

To be honest, at first I did not catch on "who did it" right away and why they asked for Colt to come back. Because there was an element of him being drugged at that moment and who knows who is this guy, is he real, but then you realize that oh, he was asked back for a purpose. They used his love for Jody to lure him back, but led him by the nose to let him enter the hotel and the room and then bam, he can be framed for what Ryder actually did. Deepfake, which is kinda scary to me honestly. Is it simple? Without a doubt. Is it effective? Certainly.
To lead Ryder out of trouble, because he's a big star, Gail created a simple plot of making Colt enter the room and the rest is easy.
Of course if you stop and think about - why would he even care to look for Ryder himself. Or why there is no investigation on making sure it's a real video. Then there will be loopholes, but the movie is so dynamic that you're too into it.
Funnily, the only evidence is destroyed, but to make Ryder confess Jody helps to set a scene with a jump over a canion. And Ryder, who represent some talentless, but very hyped up actor, easily confesses during the ride.

And thanks for the behind the scenes footage during the credits rolling, many of those scenes I thought were done with cgi, but I was wrong, a lot of it was real, Gosling surprised me.
I would personally give it solid 10/10. It was really fun.

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