Jun 19, 2024

[Chinese BG novel] 天空一声巨响,路人甲闪亮登场! by 我要成仙 / With a loud bang in the sky the passerby made a grand entrance

Summary : Li Xin is just a normal worker, she actually had a decent job and a big apartment, but after drinks she woke up in a book and she was not even a female supporting role, but a passerby A who is a crony next to female number three. She wanted to stay away from it all, but who made female number three offer so much and she needed money.
After a while she found out that her assets increased, she had a decent job, few real estates, a lot of savings and a side-job opening milk tea shops.

I consider this another hypocritical novel, because it is pushed into "romance" category, but it is mainly like a No-CP novel at first, with the main focus on "career", but it has so much hate on men throughout entire novel.
OG male protag is brainless as judged by FL, although he is indeed too lawless and a bit with his own broken logic, he changes in time.
Others she does not consider men because they're children to her. Like Zhou Wang who chases after Li Xin.
Now the hardcore bunch.
OG Li Xin't stepfather is of course a disgusting drunkard who beats his wife and eyes his stepdaughter. Another situation of domestic violance case. Some people involved in the case of solving step-father have same virtues.
A character named Zhao Zhao, was instigated to drug FL and have fun with her, got caught in his own scheme, but just the description of his thoughts is of course disgucting.
Almost all the male collegues when FL enters the Meng company to work, they are either eyeing her because of her beauty or want to take advantage of her. And it goes on and on, as if everyone has erectile dysfunction and they can't do business without all this dirt. I understand there are a ton of problems in the working place and harassment is one of those. But it just had a feel like it's simply everywhere and happens every minute. Like FL describes it a lot like it's a usual thing she hates about work.
Even the ML who is such a blackboard character who surprises you that he is actually ML is basically used at first, although he is a decent man with clean background. And by the end is given a chance.
But many times FL says stuff like those men are shit.
They are indeed shit, but why pile it in such a huge pile? It feels overbearing and lacks any sense of reality. And it's in the romance category. While after reading I feel like I don't want to fall in love ever in life.
Why not put it into No-Cp you might ask? But have you seen the popularity, do you think this novel would be ranked higher or lower if it was written as No-Cp? Of course lower, romance is such a huge market and this is why I don't really like when authors describe such issues as if any place is like that and there is no decent man left on the planet. Then how do you want to consume it as romance when it makes you repulse it?
Being self-reliant is great and no one says otherwise, but I see nothing wrong in describing a good and healthy relationship.

Another discource was about ML's age who is 8 years older than FL, which is confirmed by the author. Many made a fuss, but he is actually like 26. And they described it as if they're going to have a relationship tomorrow. 
They did not. Although author made it weird anyway. AT first ML had no apparent emotions about FL, so we have no idea when it started, of course for him it would sound bad if he started early. Even if FL herself is older mentally and I saw nothing wrong when she saught someone above her age group, but of course her body is still a 18 yo. So yeah. She started working early and I didn't catch when she and ML decided to give it a try at the end of the novel. But with how this world accepts bigger age difference I saw no problem in them. Ironically when she gets older a bit and he is 32 or smth, this will be a basic setting for a romance novel lol.

Now about the novel itself.
OG male protag should marry the driver's license, female number three should marry a mirror and FL should marry a recorder.
Because this is how often this stuff is mentioned :)
Off the good start the novel was quite promising and might be refreshing, we have a character who is not in main cast, but was supposed to be a crony, when Meng Jiaojiao (female number three) wanted Li Xin to do something to OG heroine, Li Xin of course refused, but Jiaojiao offered enough money.
The story promised to be ironic about campus brainless novels, to have character development in later stages, it did, but at the same time it did not become less brainless.
I think my main problem was the unrealistic settings. Li Xin befriends Jiaojiao and thought the latter one has a abd temper and speaks rudely, but actually she never anything truly bad (unless it was next to protag, because all girls lost their damn mind near him). Jiaojiao says bad words, but actually does a lot of practical things, which actually are aimed at making the lives of people around her better. Yes, she is spoiled and doesn't count money, but she is the most generous, so she has the biggest development while being near Li Xin who also guides her.
But because she was involved she not only owed money but most imoprtantly - a favor. So she joins Meng family. But not after finishing her studies, no, right after graduating high school. She is parachuted as an assistant, because Jiaojiao's father saw ambition in this girl and thought she can handle it. She did, which surprised everyone, but she is still considered young and this setting is kinda unrealistic. Yet since she is a related household what can be done? It's not like I've seen a lot of her abilities shown but she's supposed to be great, okay?
From beginning to the end a lot of this novel was a brainless convulsion.
Especially the characters, I did not see the need to put it as - they are close to OG ML and everyone loses their sanity. Like Jiaojiao who was madly in love, though he knew all of OG ML's shortcommings.
But all female characters, especially the welathy ones are like a copy-paste of each other, they contemptuously look at OG heroine, then at FL herself. Like they are not shying away from repeating how they are two scheming bitches over and over again which I admit gets tiring. So they are the main "villains" of this story, who appear from time to time to showcase how brainless and stupid they are and how lawless they are.
Many things feel like they were done in circles and there is a certain repetition in things. The same as driver's license, mirror and recorder mentioned :D
Because OG ML had no idea what he did wrong so he wanted to get his license back many times and cared for racing, before he was woken up.
Jiaojiao cares a lot about her beauty so she is described to continuously looking in the mirror.
And FL.. it seems like she is ready to start recording anytime and anywhere. It served her well though. She recorded several brainless girls confessing etc.
Her life on campus in her senior year and some time after she joined the company is the entire timeline of this novel. It feels like a lot happened, just because she is partially connected to ML. She receieved same looks as OG heroine, since everyone thought badly of her. She had several lawsuits with other people, some withdrawn, some not. Like one who spread rumors, another is about the drugging accident, then a prank on Jiaojiao's b-day, dealing with psychotic second female lead Yu Yiyi was the last thing, since she appeared from time tot time.
But many people still acted as if they lack a brain cell or two.

RATE: 2/5. Actually do not recommend.

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