Jun 24, 2024


Mr Bean is a British sitcom that was broadcasted from '90 to '95. And Rowan Atkinson who plays the role of Mr Bean along with Richard Curtis took part in the creation of this show. The inspirational part is that Rowan Atkinson is a very intelligent person and could have become a scientist, but had a burning passion for play and acting and despite the many fails that met him on the way, the Mr Bean show became hugely successful. He never gave up and believed he had it in himself to make people laugh.
As a person who never lived in UK, we've watched broadcast back in the day. And nothing says about popularity as selling copyright abroad.
I love the simple naming behind Mr Bean and the story of show's creation. Because mostly it's a silent comedy with minimum dialogue. 
Mr Bean is a peculiar person. He is not truly likable, but he has a certain appeal to himself. He shows a lot of wit on a daily basis, but also has human shortcommings, he may be grumpy, but may also find a lot of fun for himself to do. What I also like is that his life despite not having companions (except the teddy bear though :) ) is full of adventure. He travels, goes to places. And even if he meets obstacles, it's always fun to watch how he deals with life.
The show only has 14 episodes. I know it feels like it has 14 seasons instead :) But indeed has only 14 episodes, each approx. 24 minutes long. With the emergence of YT Mr Bean actually has an official channel. And I have no idea who is behind it, but they made sure to edit and upload, so the channel will stay active, which is a great thing. The only thing is they cut sketches from different episodes. 
Official YT channel: Mr Bean
I have my own collection of Mr Bean and the following are the series and the screenshot of sketches from those episodes. The titles are not official, it's just to help myself to know which episode had which sketch.

1. Mr. Bean
Examination room
Changing on a beach


2. The return of Mr. Bean

Birthday dinner

Royal meeting

3. The curse of Mr. Bean
Swimming pool
Parking lot
Lunch at the park
4. Mr. Bean goes to town
Buying TV
Camera thief
Stone in the shoe
Club (magic show and dance).
5. The trouble with Mr. Bean
On the way to dentist's appointment
Dentist appointment
6. Mr. Bean rides again
Bus stop
Getting ready for travelling
7. Merry Christmas Mr. Bean
Mr. Bean having fun at the shop
Jazz band
8. Mr. Bean in room 426
Shutting himself outside (btw drag :) )
9. Mind the baby Mr. Bean
All ends well
10. Do it yourself Mr. Bean
New Year party
New Year sales
New Year renovations
11. Back to school
Open day: exhibiotion, chemistry, drawing class and karate

12. Tee off Mr. Bean
13. Goodnight Mr. Bean
Photoshoot withe the guard
14. Hair by Mr. Bean
At the hairdresser
The fair
Passing the gate

In many ways Mr. Bean pioneered some comedy elements that I don't think I've seen anywhere else :)

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